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Mamiya M6 parallax

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A question for you experienced Mamiya 6 users... Does the viewfinder

correct for parallax?


I shoot weddings for a local studio and the first weddings I did

with the M6 I was getting the subjects heads too close to the edge

of the frame and some shots weren't centered (subjects too far to

the right.)


The last two weddings I did I used my Hassy 501 for more of the

formal shots and the photos looked better as regards the above. So,

I thought this might be a parallax issue.



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Definately, like most rangefinders "What you see is NOT what you get" with the Mamiya 6. It is not really precise so you should compose looser with subjects more into the finder. This problem is more noticeable when your subject is close to the camera position, that's where the parallax problem is most evident. The other day I got a beach towel in a landscape shot when the towel was definately not in the finder-Photoshop time again. It's still a great camera. Cheers.
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I agree with Alex. The Mamiya 6-variant camera viewfinders are more accurate at a distance than close-up.


As to your parallax question, the Mamiya 6 finder lines do change to correct for parallax ala Leica Ms. So, strictly speaking, parallax isn't the problem so much as when you get close, you'll see more on the neg than appeared within the finder lines.


That having been said, I've never used a Hasselblad, RB or RZ that had anything like 100% viewfinder accuracy. MF SLRs give more like 80% accuracy. So while a Hasselblad's SLR finder will be more accurate than the rangefinder M6, the Blad finder won't have the 100% accuracy of a Nikon F3, F4 or F5 or EOS-1-variant.

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I agree with the above answers, BUT the real problem with parallax is not where the frame lines lie. That can be corrected for or estimated. The relationship between objects within the frame, however, can never be "corrected" for by the viewfinder.
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Naji, I have exactly the problem of relationship of things inside the frame. While the 50mm is a fantastic lens I still haven't come to terms with guessing the typical near-far wideangle perspective in the viewfinder. How do others handle this?
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