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Canon FS4000US stopped accepting film holder

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My new FS4000US scanner stopped accepting film holders after a couple

of days' use, I would like to hear some tips before taking it to the

service. Some details about the situation:<br><br>


- Both holders supplied in the package are not accepted, scanner

doesn't take them in, whether they contain film or not.<br><br>


- Filmget's diagnostic test reports the scanner is OK and during the

test scanner gives usual working sounds and green led blinks.

Computer and scanner seems to communicate.<br><br>


- Scanner is connected via USB, and I checked scanner is configured

to work in USB mode (the switch on the bottom is set



- My system is Windows XP. Although the scanner is recognized in the

device list of the system and tests OK, when the scanner is turned on

an USB error is displayed in the tool bar and in the detailed

explanation of the error it tells some USB device is not working.

Message recommens replacing the device!!<br><br>


- Scanner used to accept holders and scan. I never 'force' the

holders and try to push as gently as possible. Scanner isn't dropped

or hit.<br><br>


Any comments will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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<i>Sorry for this stupid response : are you sure the door is closed ?</i><br><br>


Not a stupid response, I checked this. I would be very pleased if I have missed such a simple detail rather than having a scanner malfunction.

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Have you checked you are putting the holders right way up?

Is there a power problem? Are you maybe using the scanner attached to a multi-plug (it might simply have a low voltage problem)

Try turing it on its side and tapping very gently to dislodge dust in any sensors and also the CCD. Make sure that the USB drivers are okay. They may be transmitting constantly and locking up the scanner. Try a SCSI connection if you can. Swap the USB cable if you can to test.


It sounds to me as though you either have a hardware problem with the cable or connection port for the USB or the drivers are no good. Totally uninstall and reinstall. Check that the USB headers on the motherboard and their connection to the USB port in your PC.

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<A HREF="http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;822603">Availability of the Windows XP SP1 USB 1.1 and 2.0 Update</A>


<A HREF="http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;329632">

INFO: Availability of USB 2.0 Support in Windows XP SP1</A>


<A HREF="http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;813139">Updating EHCI USB 2.0 Driver May Cause USB 1.1 Devices to Stop Functioning</A>


<A HREF="http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;817900">PRB: USB Port May Stop Working After Removing or Inserting USB Device</A>

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