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Sunpak Ringlight Macro Flash with Pentax 67II


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I would be using it for Fashion and Portraits. I have the Pentax 67II, and am trying to find something that will give me reliable TTL. I am currently using fluorescent lighting with magenta gels, but it's a hassle with the generator and the weight. Ring flash looks like a great option for punchy modern light.
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Profoto makes a nice ringlight for fashion, its huge, no ttl, and pack only powered; it will also really zonk someone not used to being in front a ring light. First time it was fired at me it threw me a bit. It's a strange experience being in front of one, unless you are a model and really used to the lights.


Most TTL ringlights are macro ringlights and they don't have the pop to light a model to any real extent. YOu are better off cheating by hooking up an array of softboxes and simulating a ring light setup. You can accomplish the array by having 4 large equal size softboxes on the left and right of the camera position and then having another 2 above and below the camera position. This will give you 99% of the effect of a ringlight other than the circular highlight in the eyes.


Looks like this











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You WON'T be using it for fashion. I have it (and the Pentax 67) and this flash is useless when the subject is more than 1 meter (3 feet) away. It has a GN 12, for god's sake, you can do a nice portrait, but that's it. There's also NO module for the new 67II available. I suggest Hensel 120p Porty and ringlight (1200 J) or Broncolor/Profoto (they are basically the same model) ringflash, which is a REAL one. You won't regret it. All I got from DX12R were red eyes in full length shots. And a couple of grey hair. Switched to Porty and it's just like comparing Yugo to a Chrysler. Trust me, forget the DX12R for fashion and spare yourself the trouble.
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ALEX B, thank you very much for your serious warning. That's whats great about this community. Good Karma from passionate photographers sharing information and support for others. I was just about to confirm the order! I'll research into your suggestions and make a better choice. Thanks again,
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