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Flash and Accessories for a Pentax 645N


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Hi Everyone,


Since I've heard so many great things about the Pentax 645N I decided

to go ahead and take the plunge. I ordered the camera with the 45-

85, 135 leaf, and 150 2.8 lenses. Now I'm wondering which flash to

go with. I want a flash that will support TTL and flash fill in TTL

mode, I know that Metz will do this but I don't know if the Pentax

500 will. I'm torn on which system is best for the camera and would

love to hear your thoughts.


Also I'm trying to find a bracket for it. Anyone using a camera

bracket they are happy with and can stick on and off a tripod? Also

any opinions on Just Rite brackets?


And lastly to those of you also doing weddings what is that greatest

accessory you have found to make life easier?


Thanks for all responces, past, present, and future.



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Hi, Becky ...


When I purchased my 645N back in April 99, I purchased the AF500FTZ. It's excellent, "function rich", and delivers a good punch. But, it's not a "system".


After some research, over the next year or so I am hoping to purchase the Quantum T2 flash. I currently have the Quantum Turbo battery pack (recycle time - what recycle?) Whatever you purchase, make sure to take a long look at the T2 and the supporting battery system that is also great for location photograpy.


I currently own the AF 75mm ("normal" lens), AF 60-180mm (a jewel!) and the AF 45mm. And I use them all at different times during weddings.


The 500FTZ is mounted on a Stroboframe flash bracket. Works well but I think a bracket where you can rotate the camera for vertical shots would be better. (Another purchase, I guess).


As for the most useful time saver during weddings ... interesting question. I did two weddings as "2nd camera" and did not have a battery pack. I was using lithiums in the 500FTZ. And that's OK as 2nd camera. Simply does NOT wash when YOU are working the wedding. I'm glad I found out when I was doing 2nd camera duty.


I mention this because I did not see a battery pack in your list of purchases. It is an ABSOLUTE MUST if you are doing weddings!!!


By the way, use lithiums in your 645N. They are recommended by Pentax and all written up in the users manual. They last an incredibly long time. I shot over 100 rolls of 120 and 220 film (mostly 220) on ONE set of batteries. I replaced them for fear of "getting caught" with dead batteries. (OH YES, still keep a set of spares with me!). In comparison, users of Contax post in this forum indicate that they shoot 3 or 4 rolls of film on one set of batteries!!!





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The Pentax AF500FTZ has the features you asked for.


It does also have a few other nice functions that you might find usefull, such as a built in slave function, and a socket for a TTL sync cable. These two features are assesories for most flashheads.


There's also a powerpack available for it that takes a handfull of size C batteries and gives very fast recycle times.

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