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Mamiya RZ67 / low light screens in SF, CA


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Hello! Is there anyone in the San Francisco bay area that has bought

bright screens or low light screens from Mr. Bill Maxwell? I would

like to purchase the Mamiya RZ Pro II but, as most of my shooting is

at low light or dusk the AE Prism is useless. I can't see a thing and

I don't think Beattie screens would suffice either. I'd like to speak

to someone in my area who is using Maxwell screens and perhaps be able

to compare the normal Mamiya AE prism to one that has a Maxwell

screen. If anyone out there can be of help I would greatly appreciate

it. Thanks

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Hi. I'm afraid I don't have any experience with the Bill Maxwell screens but I have read on the Web that they are great. I would like to try one myself. Unfortunately, I have lost the phone number to contact him. Is there anyone out there who has his phone number?? ----- Thanks.
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