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Incomplete Printing with Epson 2200 on 13x19"

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I just started using the Epson 2200 and after posting a question

about color cast on B&W thanks to everyone I got it solved.

Now I have a new problem. Not always, but on a couple prints using 13

x19 paper, the printer stops printing leaving half of the image only

printed. Has this happend to anyone else? I use 8.5 x11 and printed

and it did fine......I have attatched a photo...could not scan the

whole 13 x19...but you can see the end where it quits.

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It happens I think I have seen or heard of 3 reasons for it.


1. Grit on the track, not enough to stall it all the time, but does it sometimes. Solution: clean (and relube?) the track



2. Communication error. On some printers and systems USB doesn't seem to get along with the printer properly. Solution: try switching to a different connection type, like 1284 parallel or Firewire.


3. Magic error print. Sometimes I have had a file that seems to be a problem in of itself, like it somehow just happens to have a magic sequence of characters that ends up escaping to a page feed halfway through the document. Solution, manipulate the document and resave to kill the unknown magic combo.

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"3. Magic error print. Sometimes I have had a file that seems to be a problem in of

itself, like it somehow just happens to have a magic sequence of characters that ends

up escaping to a page feed halfway through the document. Solution, manipulate the

document and resave to kill the unknown magic combo."


Good point. I have seen this myself, including those standardized targets we download

for testing. They must get corrupted somehow. Claire, if you are on the Mac and OS

9, one thing you can do is give the Epson Monitor extension (which is really an

application) in the System: Extensions folder more memory. On OS X, I don't know

yet how to control the spool or swap files, except you should upgrade to 10.2.6-printing

keeps improving with each OS X upgrade, Also, on OS X, you do need plenty of disk

space. On the PC, I can't offer any suggestions. GOOD LU

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You don't say what kind of hardware and OS you have the 2200 attached to. USB is definitely an issue, specially with the first version of XP. I was getting a lot of aborted prints with both my 1270 and later with my 2200 until I upgraded to a new motherboard that includes USB2 ports and installed XP Service Pack 1. If you're on a Mac, can't help you there but with Windows, you should definitely get XP-SP1 and plug through a USB2 or Firewire port. Print Spool causes aborted prints with the 1270 and should be disabled (I experienced that) but I've never heard any thing related to that with the 2200. Your problem sounds very much like a comm error. Are you getting any feedback from the printer driver? When my 1270 aborted -generally the largest prints- I was getting a notice about the communication between computer and printer being lost. Disabling the spool alleviated that and then USB2 and XPSP1 got rid of it.

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Thanks for the responses regarding the "aborting printing"...but I think I have solved the problem and it came from a friend of mine. He said he found that when your files are over 26M there will be aborted printing. Mine were hugh...did not realize it as I was adding boarders, etc..................Well I knocked all the ones down to 25M and they are printing beautifully!!!!!!!


This is what Epson told me to do...but I am sticking with the file sizing.

1) (a) Click on START and go to PRINTERS AND FAXES.

NOTE: If you cannot locate PRINTERS AND FAXES, Follow 1(b).

1)(b) Click "START" and select CONTROL PANEL double click on PRINTERS AND


2) RIGHT-CLICK your printer and select PROPERTIES.

3) Select the ADVANCED tab.


5) Press OK to close the window.

6) Try printing.

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