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Cf cards, question?

ike k

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Hi all,



I need someone to tell me difference between lexar CF and others

such as sandisk, IBM(microdrive?) cause based on price the lexar is

more pricey, does this make lexar any better? I use lexar 512 type

II with 40x read with my 10D since day one I have my camera and try

to look 2-3 additions for it since I always shoot in RAW so I really

need more capacity or storage.


I check on ebay and other sites as well that sandisk has 1GB with

price of $199 compare with lexar 512mb $165(that's the cheapest so

far).So any suggestions guys? thanks in advance and have a good day!





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To be able to give you a reasonable answer, one has to have tried and tested a good number of cards, on a 10D. I'm guessing not many have. Although some reviewers have.


Check out the reviews on the net with a search. You can start here: http://dpreview.com/articles/mediacompare/ They review some of the more common cards... although card behaviour I hear is pretty camera specific. (Meaning it may be great with one camera and not so on the next)

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I have been using the SandDisk Ultra's for over a year now. Mostly use 256mb but I

also have a 512mb. I chose sandisk based on reviews and price. I did have the IBM

microdrive but I did not like the noise it made because it made me feel as if it was

about to crash.


Only once did I have a problem with losing images on a sandisk but based on what i

have been told it appears that it was my fault for not formating the card in the camera

and deleting photos from the computer. Not sure if this was true but once I formated

the cards in the camera I have not had a problem since.

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It is on ebay and it is new, you can check it out, just type lexar on their search engine (but has to be on photo/camera section).You'll find a brand new lexar 40x for the price of $165, and sandisk they didn't mentioned the speed rate.But if lower rate means save big lot, I see why not? thanks again guys any other input will be appreciated.



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A GENERALITY.... it is analogous to computer RAM vs. hard disk storage.


CF is MEMORY, although its use in digital cameras akin to a "hard drive" rather than RAM. OTOH, IBM Microdrive is a "hard disk."


Again, in general, memory I/O is much faster than hard disk at a higher cost -- analogous to computers.

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