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Gray M4: For Real???

Rob F.

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A gray M4 just sold on the bay for $1995.00. The seller says it's

the original paint. I checked the serial number in Hove, and it just

says "M4" but nothing special. You know, like if it's black it'll

say "schw." for "schwartz" (black). A run shorty before this one is

noted as olive drab, obviously for the military. But this particular

run has no special notation.


So, does anyone know anything about some Leicas being painted gray?

I didn't notice anything in Lager, or in Rogliatti.


Here's URL:


<a href="http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?


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Looks like a cobbled together camera. Notice the guard around the lens release. Also, it has the little round stud on the left for holding a flash bracket. I've never heard of an M4 with either feature. There's also an M3-M2 advance lever. The frame illumination window looks more like an M6 than an M4; too many ridges for an M4. I think the base plate is not from an M4. open-auf / close-zu around the release was dropped with the M4, wasn't it? It looks like an M3 body with an M4 top cover, self-timer lever and frame selector lever, painted grey.



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I saw that back when it was first listed and noticed everything Peter described and had checked Leica's website and the serial# turned up just a plain (silver) M4. Had a good chuckle. That camera is the equivalent of Frankenstein's monster. Hope the guy who spent $2K on it doesn't ever take it to a collector meet or the guffaws will be heard for miles around.
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On my monitor the pictures look selectively edited. It could be a cheap paint job, i have very acidy sweat and normal black paint turns grey in my hands over time, i even rub off the paint on spots i hold a black painted camera often. The price you pay for playing guitar often.....



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