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Pentax 645N, dimension wrong? or is it that size?


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Hi people, I just saw a Pentax 645N for a really good price for me

My question is:


DIMENSIONS:� 150 x 111 x 117mm Pentax

Dimensions� 160 x 119 x 71mm) eos 3


is the Pentax aprox. the same size as my Canon EOS 3?

other question please:

is the Pentax 645N is handholdable (what a word,hehe) ? or all the Medium

Format is better on a tripod?


thanks a lot!!!

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the 645 is quite hand-holdable -- many 645s' were designed just for that reason, to compete with higher end 35 slrs on handling. the 645 balances differently, but is nice (as always, it would be great if you could hand-hold one, before buying).


All cameras need a tripod for optimal sharpness. Now, a 645 or larger camera may have max aperture f4 or higher, so 1/15th at f2 is out. But, nomrla shooting, or with flash, no problem.

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Have you got the dimensions in the correct order? A Pentax 645 is much deeper from front to back than a 35mm camera, because of the larger mirror. It is about the same height and width, remembering that the handhold is on the right side. But yes, it is handholdable, and the mirror is exceptionally well damped.


However, if you want the best sharpness, even 35mm cameras get sharper results when used on a tripod - look at John Shaw's site.


Regards, Ross

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Agree with all of the above. Remember also that medium format

cameras use longer focal length lenses to give the same angle

of view than 35mm. This means that for equal angles of view the

lenses give less dof. If you equalise the depth of field ( because

the dof you actually need doesn't care what sort of camera you're

using) then you'll need a smaller aperture with MF than you

would with the 35mm, and this means (assuming the same film

speed) a longer exposure.


So in general terms MF cameras are tougher to handhold, partly

because you tend to have longer exposures. The 645n is as

similar to a 35mm camera as medium format gets, and this

includes ease of hand-holding. But it doesn't mean that you can

use it in all circumstances off tripod or that the results you'll get

that way will always be as good as on a tripod. Presumably

your major motive for changing to MF is to get better quality

originals, and this will sometimes, perhaps often, be easier to

achieve from a tripod.

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Some big 35mm cameras feel like a brick in your hands. I feel the P645 is the

best balanced 645 because the handle is set to the rear, whereas the

removable back cameras like the Mamiya and Contax lurge forward.

Shooting skim borders @ the beach today with the 200mm AF. (Its AF is also

easily the quickest.)

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I found that camera more hand holdable than many 35mm. It's a joy to use, with an

excellent control layout. Everything is right where you want it. Use single focal

length lenses between 45mm and 150mm and you'll be in heaven. Great camera!

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