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Basic Question...EF 70-200mm f/4L gray mkt...


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Ok, really basic question. In the purchase of a EF 70-200mm f/4L

gray market, what do I loose by buying it gray market? I think it

means that this lens is not available in the US through normal

distribution channels. Right? Do I loose warranty coverage in the

US? Any insights would be greatly appreciated...


Also, any source for some sample photos with this lens on say a

10d? :)





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A lot depends on who the seller is. For example, B&H make quite clear that their grey market lenses are full quality imports (effectively taking advantage of exchange rate fluctuations to make the price), and explain the warranty position. They also sell clearly identified refurbished lenses from time to time at a discount. Of course, they also sell "US" lenses (though all lenses originate from the same factories, whatever their apparent origin). Others may not be so scrupulous.


US warranties are not necessarily ideal - it can be hard presuading Canon UK to honour a US warranty if you happen to be travelling or get posted abroad, for instance.

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Yes that's correct...You can read more about B&H's gray market policy here:<p>

<a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=getpage.jsp&A=getpage&Q=GreyMarketStatic.jsp">http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=getpage.jsp&A=getpage&Q=GreyMarketStatic.jsp</a><p>


And many people buy gray market lenses (they either work or they don't) but buy USA camera bodies (there's more than can go wrong).

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Gray (In school I learned to write grey, please explain the difference) market means that the retailern did not obtain the product from the official Canon US distributer. This has nothing to do with the quality of the product but only with the way it came into the retailers stock. In Holland for instance we have a shop who sells actually more Pro-stuff than Canon Nederland via the other retailers. The purchase from Canon Japan and Canon Germany.
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Michiel, "Gray" is the American spelling and "grey" is the British/Canadian spelling. There really is no difference, I think it is driven by location. Although, I seem to recall one is used more in the economic study of markets, but I do not remember which! :)
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I live in Canada where grey is gray and color is colour...or something like that.<P>Over the past 25 years I've bought <i>at least</i> three dozen Canon lenses, bodies & flashes from all over the North & South America. Some of that equipment came with warranty cards in strange languages.<P>Canon has <i>ALWAYS</i> done warranty repairs on any equipment I've had to have repaired...<i>no questions asked</i>.<p>And...I have <i>NEVER</i> heard of Canon not repairing anyones kit bought out of country.<p>Does anyone reading this forum have first hand experiences differing from mine?
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