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good source for Agfa RSX in 4x5?


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I've had a box of RSX on order at my local dealer for four weeks, so

it's now about 2.5 weeks overdue and I can't get a straight answer on

when it'll show up. Could be months, for all I know. The situation

obviously leaves something to be desired, but Adorama, B&H, Badger

Graphics, Freestyle, and anybody else I've been able to think of

either don't carry it or have stopped carrying it, which leads me to

suspect Agfa's US distributor is out to lunch on sheet film (135 and

120 seem to be no problem).


Anyone know of a good source for Agfa RSX in 4x5? I'll switch to

E100G if forced to, but since it costs 1.5 times as much as RSX and

doesn't work as well for my needs I'd prefer not to.

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I've been buying RSX-ll - 100 ISO from B&H for $64.95 for 50 sheets 4x5 for several years. I think that they order directly from Germany to be able to offer this price, so.......they may be temporarily out of stock. I usually order 2 to 4 boxes at a time. I hope that B&H will still carry it as it is one of my favorite NON-saturated chromes. Provia seems my 2nd choice. Good Luck, FWB

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I love RSX II also so please forgive the 'quasi commercial' post. I boutgh out

Midwest's remaining supply of 8x10 RSXII about a year ago and froze it ... all dated 5/

2002. I ahve been shooting it steadily since but not as fast as I thought I would so I

have more in the freezer than I thought I would and ..... anybody let me know if you

want some (email please) ..... I can sparre a few boxes of the 9 I have left.

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<p><i>Calumet is selling RSX 4x5 for about $72 for 50 sheets.</i></p>


Where did you find it? 'cause the only thing their website lists under Film, Paper, and Chemicals->Film->Color Sheet->Agfa is a 135-36 of Scala 200. Which is neither color nor not sheet. A search on RSX turns up the usual 135 and 120, but no sheet film.


If I claim I'm in the UK rather than the US, then Traditional Photo->Camera Consumables->Colour Reversal Film - Sheet->Agfa does list RSX II 100. 67.12 pounds sterling ($108 US at the moment) for a 50 sheet box.


<p><i>I've been buying RSX-ll - 100 ISO from B&H for $64.95 for 50 sheets 4x5 for several years</i></p>


That's about the price I'd pay locally (at least if there was any film locally) but B&H stopped listing 4x5 RSX on their website sometime between a couple months ago and maybe six months ago. Perhaps I should check with Henry Posner about a special order; B&H should have more clout than a local camera shop.


<p><i>I bought out Midwest's remaining supply of 8x10 RSXII about a year ago and froze it ... all dated 5/ 2002</i><p>


Agfa claims they produce RSX II 100 in 4x5, 5x7, 8x10, and a couple other sizes. The problem is figuring out where to buy it; I emailed Agfa some time ago and have gotten no response.

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"Agfa claims they produce RSX II 100 in 4x5, 5x7, 8x10, and a couple other sizes. The problem is figuring out where to buy it; I emailed Agfa some time ago and have gotten no response."


Do you mean the online pdfs etc claim this? I wouldn't hold my breath. Just means they haven't gotten around to changing them.


With the APX 100 I use I order before I need it. Usually the local shop will have some if not they check the Agfa Canada and if that fails it comes from Germany. Takes awhile but it's fresh. Checking the local places website they list RSX a special order.

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I have shot two book projects on APX 100 and this is story I got

last year when purchasing film.


I needed 90 boxes of APX 100 4x5 and everyone in NYC (where I

live) was out of stock....and had no clue when they would be

getting more.


At the time I worked at Fotocare, and they called AGFA USA on

my behalf and were told that AGFA USA was "no longer the

distributer" for there own product!!! They were given a phone

number of a film wholesaler in the bronx, and the story was "Agfa

sheet film is now a special order item in the USA due to low

demand." Apparently, in some stupid reorginizing effort by AGFA

USA management, film was to be only ordered through these

small companies.


Since I wanted 90 boxes, getting the special order was no

problem- but I had to wait almost 2 months.


If anyone on this list has ever tried contacting ANYONE at AGFA

USA, they know how tedious it can be. I called the NY/NJ/CT rep

about 50 times in a two week period and never got him-nor did I

get a return phone call.


If you can find any-buy it. The word is Agfa's parent company

Bayer, is not very interested in the film business anymore (even

though agfa is the biggest manufacturer of Private label 35mm in

the world) and is looking to just use it as a cash cow until in


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