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Henri Cartier-Bresson on NPR

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Re: "I wonder if he used the in-camera meter?"

Does anyone know if HCB in average used his godfeeling or (constant) a

lighmeter in the good old III-A-G or M3 days ? In the only book i have, "The

man the image and the world", 435 pages, there is nothing mentioned about


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<I>Does anyone know if HCB in average used his godfeeling or (constant) a lighmeter in the good old III-A-G or M3 days?</I><P>


In a recent article or interview (not sure just where - Aperture, Newsweek, Pop Photo, Vanity Fair? - he seems to be everywhere lately) it was said that never used a meter, shooting almost always at f/8 and estimating the exposure. Anybody know what his likely ASA was circa the late thirties to early fifties (he shot Ilford film, and presumably still does)?

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