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Images from Italy_Summer_2003_Image #2


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Dear Forum Readers:


In the past, you have helped me choose a 28mm 'cron rather than a Tri

Elmar and a second body to go with my .85 MP (I chose the .58).


Well, I just returned from 15 glorious days in Italy (albeit HOT) and

I have some new images. I haven't used b&w for years and I'd love

your opinions. This trip, my wife did the travel-bit, very

successfully with her Contax NX and a 28-80 zoom, while I had my two

cameras-one with the 28mm 'cron and the other with a 50mm 'lux-both

loaded with Ilford's Delta 400-shot at ISO 250.


I'm posting the results. Any and all suggestions are welcomed.



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Alan I wouldn't even mind seeing this one larger. But, from what I can gather from the greatly reduced image file I think it's a fantastic pic. The tones, the way the light falls (may have to do with your post-exposure processing, in which case outstanding printing), the placement of the figures, the shallow DOF with the slightest bit of softness about it (looks more like chromogenic B/W than Delta, actually)---it transforms an otherwise banal, clichéd, completely ordinary scene into something really nice.
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