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Ikonta Tripod Mount

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I tried to use my Ikonta on my Gitzo tripod this week, and ran into problems. I cannot

tighten the tripod screw enough to make the camera stable. Tightening the screw

pulls the tripod mount down into the cork bed of the gitzo, but doesn't make it

stable. I'm guessing that others have encountered this problem, and that there's

some kind of adapter plate I can buy or make to get this to work. The problem arises

because the Ikonta (also the Nettar, BTW) tripod mount is not flush with the base of

the camera, but protrudes slightly. Anyone know what I'm talking about?




Neil Baylis

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Of course we know what you are talking about. Many of us proudly use our Zeiss Ikon Folders (but don't admit it). I took an old mouse pad and punched a hole in the middle, the same size as those silver protrusions and then trimed carefully around to make an egg sort of shape of the outside. That way it doesn't flop all over the place.


Works great, cost little. My idear of a great fix.


tim in san jose

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is amazing ! Never realized how many Ikonta users there are out there. This is a little off-topic but...dug out my old Ikonta 35 and found that the lens has gone hazy. I'm not convinced anyone here in Asia can do a decent CLA for this without damaging something so I thought I'd give it a go.


Anyone know where I can get a repair manual (or at least an exploded diagram of the parts?) Thanx very much!

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