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Leica R100mmAME or M90mmAA?

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Hi,I'm a Leica user in Hong Kong.I use both the R-system and the M-

system.R mainly for 180mm and 280mm, while M for 24mm,35mm and50mm.

Now I'm planning to buy a medium tele. I know both of them are

excellent lens. Would anyone share your experiences of these two

lens,their optical charitaristics and performances under different

situations? Thanks very much. Joe

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Here is a link from Leica guru Erwin Puts where he compares (verbally) the 90mm AA and the 100mm APO... and for perspective the 90mm Elmarit M. He reaches the conclusion that the 90mm AA is the winner.<P>


I only have the 90mm Elmarit M, which is in my opinion excellent, and which Puts says needs to be used at f/5.6 to equal the other two at f/2.8 to f/3.5. In real hand-held shooting, I never have been able to show any limitation of the Elmarit M, so if those other two lenses are that much better, <I><B>and you are not using a tripod with slow film,</B></I> you might be worrying too much about which is "better".<P>



<a href="http://www.imx.nl/photosite/leica/mseries/testm/M2-90.html"> 90mm AA / 100mm APO infor from Erwin Puts </a>

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Thanks everybody.I have Erwin Puts'Leica Lens Compendium and in fact,I read through all those passages about 100mmAME and 90mmAA already.But this is only from Erwin,I would like to learn more from other experienced photographers,particularly really have used them. Thanks very much. Joe
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I've been using the 100mm APO for a few years now. Beautiful lens, but heavy and

bulky. The reason I keep it is that it gives me the opportunity to shoot macro when

needed, the 90-R APO cannot do this without extra bits & pecies. You can also buy

an ELPRO attatchment for the 100 APO, which will take you down to 1:1. AFAIK, this

cannot be done with the new 90 APO.


As others have noted, you really have to bolt the lens down to see how sharp it is

though. Used hand-held, it would be v.difficult to tell the difference between shots

taken with the 90mm or 100mm.


So ultimately the decision you face is (1) do you need macro capability and (2) can

you live with the 100 APOs larger size & weight.


FWIW - keep in mind that when Mr Puts compares lenses, he always concludes the

newest one is "best".

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They are different lenses. Do you need/want an F2.8 macro lens which also is great for medium tele shots? If so, the 100 AME is the way to go. The 90mm SAA M lens is a different animal altogether. The 90 SAA is NOT a macro lens, plus it is smaller/lighter than the 100 SME. I no longer shoot Leica R, but if I were an R system shooter, you better believe that I would own the 100 AME. I do shoot Leica M, and in my estimation the 90 SAA lens stands above all other medium teles. It is available for Leica R or M.
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