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Lenses for medium format


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I' contemplating making the move to medium format after centuries of

35mm shooting. My dilem is which lenses should I get to go along with

a Mamiya 645Pro-TL? Which focal lenght would make the best portrait

lens? What would be an equivalant to a 28mm on a 35mm camera?

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If you can see the complete viewing screen on the contemplated mamiya (I couldn't) go for it...but renting one to try first may be a REALLY good idea. Fantastic deals are to be had right now in 645, utterly fantastic! (unless of coarse you already own 10,000 worth of kit that is now worth $3500).<p>A 28mm in 35mm is roughly a 55 in 645, as a 50 in 35mm is a 30 in 645.
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It is a bit tricky comparing focal lengths for 35 mm and 645 because the format aspect ratios are different. 35 mm format is 24 x 36 mm (ratio 2:3) and 645 is close to 45 x 56 mm (close to ratio 4:5). You have to pick a dimension to get a focal length ratio and then multiply focal lengths by that. If you pick the short dimension, the ratio is 45/24 = 1.875 and if you mulitply 28 by that you get 52.5 mm. If you pick the long dimension, the ratio is 56/36 = 1.56 and you get 43.6 mm. If you pick the diagnonal, the ratio is 71.8/43.3 = 1.66, and you get 46.5 mm.


So 45 mm is pretty close, but you have to realize that a 645 picture in landscape mode, while horizontally it will have close to the same angle of view, will also show more vertically. This may be a bit disconcerting until you get used to it.

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The angle of view is based on the diagonal of the film.


The diagonal of the 35mm film is (based on 24mm x 36mm dimension) ...

diagonal(35mm) = sqrt ( 24^2 + 36^2) = 43.2666 mm




The angle of view is ...



/| ^

/ | |

/ | |

/ |

----| diagonal of film

\ F |

\ | |

\ | v

\| _




angle of view = 2 * ArcTan [ (diagonal / 2) / Focal Length]



Therefore for 28mm Focal length, ...

angle of view (35mm) = 2 * ArcTan [ (43.2666 / 2) / 28]

= 75 degrees







For an equivalent lens for 645 film, ...

645 film dimensions are 60mm X 45mm (or 6cm x 4.5cm)


Therefore, the diagonal is,...

diagonal(645) = sqrt ( 60^2 + 45^2) = 75 mm


angle of view (645) = 2 * ArcTan [ (75 / 2) / F]



For the 2 lenses of different format to be equivalent, they have to have the same angle of view.


Therefore, Focal length (F) of 75 degrees angle is, ...

F = (diagonal / 2) / [ tan(angle / 2) ]

= ( 75 / 2) / [ tan( 75 / 2) ]

F = 48.8mm


Choose a Focal length closest to 48.8mm. Manufacturers do not produce exactly 48.8mm.



Hope this helps.





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Darn, my text drawing is messed up after posting. Here it is again ...





The angle of view is based on the diagonal of the film.


The diagonal of the 35mm film is (based on 24mm x 36mm dimension) ...

diagonal(35mm) = sqrt ( 24^2 + 36^2) = 43.2666 mm




The angle of view is ...




/| ^

/ | |

/ | |

/ |

----| diagonal of film

\ F |

\ | |

\ | v

\| _




angle of view = 2 * ArcTan [ (diagonal / 2) / Focal Length]



Therefore for 28mm Focal length, ...

angle of view (35mm) = 2 * ArcTan [ (43.2666 / 2) / 28]

= 75 degrees







For an equivalent lens for 645 film, ...

645 film dimensions are 60mm X 45mm (or 6cm x 4.5cm)


Therefore, the diagonal is,...

diagonal(645) = sqrt ( 60^2 + 45^2) = 75 mm


angle of view (645) = 2 * ArcTan [ (75 / 2) / F]



For the 2 lenses of different format to be equivalent, they have to have the same angle of view.


Therefore, Focal length (F) of 75 degrees angle is, ...

F = (diagonal / 2) / [ tan(angle / 2) ]

= ( 75 / 2) / [ tan( 75 / 2) ]

F = 48.8mm


Choose a Focal length closest to 48.8mm. Manufacturers do not produce exactly 48.8mm



Hope this helps.





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