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Linhof Tech V boards fit loose?


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I have a Technika V, and I noticed that if you grab the lens, it

wiggles. There seems to be some play where the lens board seats at

the bottom where the two little clips are. The boards are not Linhof

brand. One is 'noname', and the other is Wista. The two castings look

identical, but with no Wista on the noname version. Has anyone else

seen this? Is there a fix?


Thanks, Greg

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I have had this problem on the Walker Titan with after market boards. Since there is no place on there to fix it with bailing wire, I ended up putting a line of gaffer's or electrical tape along the top side of the lens board, careful to make sure that it did not allow a light leak. It seems to keep it from floating around.
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  • 10 months later...

For anyone that reads this thread, I found my own answer. The bottom brackets that hold the board have adjustment screws. They're hard to get to, but you can extend the bellows and tilt the lens to get to them. I may have used an angle screwdriver (it's been some time), but now all my boards fit tight...



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