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Hasselblad lens problem (not the usual kind)


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My Hasselblad 150C lens is jammed, *but* it seems not the usual

problem described in earlier posts.


The shutter is not cocked but the slotted pin (e.g. on the excellent

webpage http://photoweb.net/pw_tech/hassy_unjam.html) is facing the

red dot, and will not rotate if I gently try to rotate it with a

small coin.


Is there any other way to cock the shutter? Does this seem like a

problem only a technician can fix?




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In defense of Sanjeev, sort of, I must say that there is a not-so-uncommon problem in

which an uncocked lens gets locked up in exactly the manner stated. The keyway gets

rotated (way too enthusiastically I might add!!) COUNTERCLOCKWISE. Bad dog! This can

lock the keyway in the cocked position but the lens isn't. Nowhere to go. The release pin

must be pushed to release the shaft while releiving the massive tension (MORE

counterclockwise rotation!) on the shaft and all is right with the world again, except for

the fact that the problem is even possible on certain lenses indicates they are out of

adjustment and need work.


I don't know if this is Sanjeev's problem but may very well be. I wouldn't be too hard on

him. Yet.


Peter Rosenthal


PR Camera Repair, Flagstaff, AZ

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I should have mentioned that the body is working fine with the three other lenses I have. The shutter is *not* cocked (you can't see through the lens) and the lens does not mount on the body, even though the pin is in the right place.


Peter, I think you seem to have seen this problem before. Your suggestion that a lot of force may be required makes me nervous. Is there a chance of breaking something?


Thanks for any more suggestions.

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I've seen it a lot. Before I go any farther... you, and everyone else for that matter, should

never turn any Hassy keyway, winder or anything else counterclockwise. Ever. Bad things

will happen. I promise.


You can release this without any problem. It takes two hands and a sturdy, stable work

surface. The goal is to put a quarter into the slot and turn the keyway counterclockwise

with just enough movement, almost imperceptable, to push the release pin toward it's

shield. If you can get the release pin to move at all without force, you can release the

tension on the keyway and you're good to go. Just don't ever turn it counterclockwise and

this will never happen. You can keep it like this forever or you can get it repaired so it's

not possible for this to happen, ever. Your call. After the keyway is turning freely, you can

go ahead and rotate it clockwise, the same direction as the arrow, and cock the lens to put

it back on the body.






PR Camera Repair - Flagstaff, AZ

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  • 2 months later...

No further answer needed... BUT I have a problem with my 205FCC being jammed up.

I think I took the lens/extension tube off while the camera was in process of exposing. Mirrors are up, could not re-attach lens (small "key" on camera inside barrel mount was torqued wrong way, and could not release camera in any of "normal" emergency ways (pushing in button on winder didn't work, either). I spun the key back to allow lens to go back on. Now, the focal plane shutter curtain looks like it's 9/10 closed on top slide and closed fully on bottom slide. New frsh battery, equipment is in excellent condition, never dropped or mistreated. Any ideas?

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