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can I borrow your 8x10 with 450mm lens?


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You guys are going to think I'm a nut, but here's a serious

question. I have hatched a plan to take an amazing photo over the

July 4 weekend, that requires using THREE 8x10 view cameras each

with a 450mm lens. I have one such beast, and need two more. I'm

checking around here and there doesn't seem to be a rental place or

an individual who has the stuff and would be willing to rent it.

I'm still checking around Seattle, and might come up with all I

need, but just in case I don't, here's my question: (takes a big



Would anyone out there be willing to mail me their 8x10 rig (camera

and a lens in the 450mm range) so I can use it for the July 4th

weekend? I'll take impeccable care of it, I'd gladly pay a rental

fee, plus shipping of course, and agree to cover any costs in case

it was damaged in shipping or otherwise.


(hangs haead slightly with a sheepish expectant grin, as if he just

asked dad to lend him the ferrari for the prom).


~cj (Seattle)



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I can't believe I'm saying this, but I have an 8x10 Nagaoka with a 420mm lens that I'd be willing to loan you. I don't have a 450, but hopefully a 420 is close enough?!? I absolutely love your work, and am willing to help you out in the great experiment. I'm assuming you can rent tripods?!? Any chance I can get a print instead of a rental fee? :-)


Feel free to drop me an email if you are interested and we can sort this out.




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Chris- just a thought- if you don't get the cameras you're looking for, try looking for two more cameras WITH photographers. The extra people might not really be needed, but you may find more people willing to come photograph with you than are willing to entrust their cameras to the mail system and to strangers. My equipment isn't near that expensive, but I wouldn't loan it out.
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Hi Steve, you are partially right-- I hoping to make three large negs to be printed as three 40x50" prints all lined up as a triptych. But no attempt at 3-D; I've thought of that in the past and I don't think it would be possible for our eyes to focus on two huge prints like that because the eyes would have to point outwards. Usually to create a three-image panorama I could just turn the camera three times and make three different exposures, but this time I want to do a 3-image space-time study, so all three images have to be exposed at the same time so they'll line up at the edges. The final result, assuming I can pull it off, will be a three-panel motion study that's 40" high by twelve feet long, nose sharp. I'd paste it all together in Photoshop and make one huge print, but the file would exceed Photoshop's 30,000-pixel limit (my scans from 8x10 film are about 18,000 pixels on the long side).


It looks like I'm going to be able to rustle up the two extra cameras here in Seattle, but I am going to be short at least one lens, in the 420mm-450 range.





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I do not have an 8x10 camera but I am wondering, are you trying to produce stereo (3D) images? I run a large format lab that is mainly in the aerial market. Even though we have all the equipment to do professional we have never tried to market there.




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