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Finally got a Leica .....


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Threw caution yo the wind and bought an M6 TTL demo w. a 50 f2



As an owner of Contax (G1 and G2, and all of the lenses) as well as a

F100 and FM2n, I figured I had a pretty decent setup.


But what has always irritated me with the Contax(s) and Nikons is the

fact they look like big ugly jewellery and tend to draw attention to

the photographer, resulting in very posed pictures. The C and N

cameras and lenses are great, but they are just very big and obvious.


With the M6, I've noticed, not many people take you all that

seriously, and it seems easier to end up with more natural shots.


Overall I'm impressed with the M6 ..... even the supposedly

problematic film loading seems pretty easy to execute.


I do like my contax(s), especially with the 21mm Biogon, or the truly

awesome (manual focussing) 16mm Hologon. The Hologon on a G1 makes a

very potent, yet unobtrusive, superwide package.


What I would like to get a feel for is the usefulness of the 90 or

135mm lenses on the Leica. I have a 90mm for the contax which rarely

gets used, but wonder if a 135mm for the Leica would (mostly travel



Nothing like that new camera smell.

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<i>The C [and N] cameras and lenses are great, but they are just very big and obvious</i> <p>

Yeah? <p>

<i>With the M6, I've noticed, not many people take you all that seriously, and it seems easier to end up with more natural shots</i> <p>

I think it's mostly hype and self-fulfilling prophecy, myself. <p>

But congratulations on your purchase. They certainly are fine picture-taking instruments.

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I think it's the noise. Frankly, I do most of my serious work with

SLRs, but they're not N or C cameras. I shoot with Pentax LX, MX,

and 6x7. (Much better coatings on those Pentax lenses than you

can get with N or C). But my favorite camera is a Leica IIIf RD,

circa 1953. Why? It's whisper quiet. And while the Leica

screwmount lenses are no match for Pentax SMC in contrast

and flare resistance, they are very nice indeed in terms of color

and resolution. I love my Leica. And it is a great street shooting

camera. But not because of its appearance. It's all in what you

hear or don't hear.<div>0062YT-14527884.jpg.795484b2b719e475bf51e23d275c84c0.jpg</div>

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O.k, I'll be the contrarian here and congratulate you on your new gear, as well as recommend the 90 and 135. Welcome to the forum.


The 50/2 is my most used lens, both Nikon & Leica. I also rather like using my 90/2.8 on my M6 x .72. I prefer it to using my F2AS with 100/2.8 Series E, a combo I used to love but never use any more.


The Tele-Elmar 135/4 I own is an incredibly sharp lens, but difficult to handle in fluid situations. I'd rather use my Nikkor 200/4 (very, very sweet - Provia 100F and the 200 at 5.6 in daylight is magic) or my 75-150 E. But if there is time to compose and focus, the T-E 135 gives great results.

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Don't jump in and get a 90 or 135 just yet. If you rarely use a 90 now, you won't use it any more with a Leica, you may use it even less! I own a tri-elmar, and a 25, 35, 50, 90 and a 135. I also rarely use the 90, and just about never use the 135. Leicas really shine when you're in close, so my advice is to "zoom with your feet" and get close. You may want a 90 (or a 75) for portraits, but that's about it.
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Congratulations on your purchase! Whether your justification for getting it was well founded or not, I don't think you'll regret it. I used to have a G1, and I think you've made the right move. One of its biggest drawbacks for me was the noisy focussing system. Also, the Leica viewfinder is vastly better.


I sense a case of lens-lust. Nip it in the bud if you can. I have 15-35-50-135 lenses and have had most (if not all) other focal lengths. I could 'survive' with the 35 if I had to, as that suits my interests best.


If you can restrain yourself, there's a lot of sense in using the 50 for a few months, then analyse what photos you have missed (if any) and which lens would have sorted it.

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"PAULS" all like the IIIF, in my case a georgous IIIF RD ST with 50mm 1:3.5 "Red Scale" Elmar. Please forgive me, but I think it takes quieter, warmer, "better bokeh" photos than all the asph/apo lenses I've had and sold along with my two M6ttl's, R5 and Rolleiflex C with 2.8 Xenotar! Only toy I like as well is my 500CM Hassie with 80mm 1:2.8 Planar -- what a trip with the extension tubes!
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Welcome to the asylum. The faster you get both the 90 and 135

the faster you can move on to lusting for a 28 or 35. Then there is

the most excellent 24/2.8 ASPH...and the Noctilux... and... and...



The M is an interchangable lens rangfinder...use the crap out of

that feature as soon as you can. Soon you will be searching out

a used Yugo and taking up residence in a damp basement

apartment in a high crime neighborhood so you have more

expendable income to fund the sickness. Crack dealers WISH

they could have such devoted and resourceful addicts. However,

when you finally exhaust all alternatives and turn to crime for yet

another lens you'll know it's time to join LAA and take the 12 step

program back to a normal and productive life.

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I'm one of the small number that uses the 135mm a lot, in fact much more than a 90. I grew up in photography with the classic SLR kit of the 60's, 35-50-135. Wider lenses, and fast 85's or 105's were beyond my budget. To this day I can't fathom why anyone would call a 35 "too close" to a 50. The 135 framelines are small in the M's, but I use a B/L finder which is much larger, for scenic shots.
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