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Thinking of expanding into EOS line from FD


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I have a huge collection of Canon FD equipment (14 bodies and over 50

lenses) I'm going to be selling off a large protion of this equipment

to get down to what my wife and I currently use. In the future I want

to add a Canon Digital SLR system to my KIT. And since I'm not ready

to buy Digital with the current bodies available. I have been looking

at the EF mount film bodies as a way to get used to AF and the other

differances between the EOS bodies and my T90's or F-1N's (my most

used bodies now) I will be buying the body used and the lenses new.

The body that I'm most interested in is the EOS 5 or A2E I have read

many many reviews of the camera as well as Bob Shells glowing report

in "Canon Compendium" when it was the latest body from Canon. I know

about the control wheel problem and have already talked with a local

repair guy who told me of the metal replacement part that can now

perminatly fix this problem should it arise.


What I need from those of you with MUCH more time in the EOS world is

to know which bodies would be most like the EOS 5 but have some



Requirements important to me:


Bright viewfinder with the option of a screen suited to manual focus.


The eye focus system.


Operation as close in interface to the T-90 bodies I'm using now.


Vertical operation


And I'm sure a bunch more but this will get things started.


Thanks ahead of time for the time,


Mark W.

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Mark, I think the EOS3 would meet your criteria. It has blazing fast 45-point autofocus with eye-control, spot-metering, a robust build, and pretty good seals against dust and water. They go mint/used for under $600 now.


I don't know the EOS 5's features, but I would avoid the A2E. It is a "Type B" EOS body, which means is does not support E-TTL or wireless flash. The EOS3 is "Type A", and supports all Canon accessories and technologies.

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Brent, The Flash features are not a real concern for me as I have my T90 with it's 300TL flash for any fancy flash work I would do. I do shoot a few weddings each year and then rely on my 533G and 577G hammer head style flashes running on gel cels (very fast recycle and very predictable) About the only Flash I would want this new body to work with would be a Macro ring lite which I already have a ML-2 which I believe will work with the EOS 5 A2E body for the most part. The other things you mention will give me something to look at. I have held a EOS 3 and the extra heft is not to bad about like an A-1 with MA drive and 12 AA batteries. I'll have to check one out as soon as I can find a used one some where when you live in Silverton OR. the closest full line camera shop is 45 miles away in Portland.
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Hi Mark,


I was in a VERY similar position to you back at the beggining of

the year. I was very reluctant to make the break after 20 odd

years of FD use mainly F1N and A1. However I love the new stuff

and wouldn't go back, I do still own all my FD though! (Haven't

used it in weeks)


I agree with the other posters, get an EOS 3, I got 1V's but they

don't have eye control, they are very well made and the feature

set is comparible with an $8000 digital body (1DS), they are

better made even than the T90 and some of the controls are the

same. I'd get a secondhand one (as this is your choice) with a

battery pack or power booster, I have the PBE 2 that gives full

verticle controls and if picked up with a body can be a bargain. It

also raises the frame rate, I have found high frame rates very

good for auto bracketing.


Anyway take care, Scott.

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Mark! When I saw your name in this forum I couldn't believe it! I suppose the term "traitor" is a little strong, and times are a changin'. I keep my eye on this forum because my wife has an Elan IIe ("e" meaning with eyecontrol, but with only 3 points). Good inexpensive camera but I will leave the people who know their stuff to help you out here. I will wait for a 12 megapixel DSLR for under $1000. In today's market that could be tomorrow or 5 years from now! Good luck and let me know when you start selling off your FD equipment! John Crowe
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...about two years ago. My most used body was a T90 and the move to an EOS3 was very smooth. the reason for the smooth transition is probably the fact that the design of many EOS cameras (1,1N,1V,1D,1Ds and 3) was spawned from the design of the T90. controls on the left and the right shoulder, the quick control dial, the viewfinder information disply, the palm door- all of the great ergonomic features of the T90 are found on many EOS bodies.


the EOS5 doesn't share all of those features so I'm not sure if you'll feel "at home" with it. also it isn't as well built as the rest. and finally- it has an 11 years old design and technology!

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