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I received an E-mail this AM titled "0fficial Notice for all E-Bay

users". The body of text stated the Ebay performs a routine

check/verification on all Ebay users and couldn't verify my

information. As a result, my use of Ebay will be restricted until I

update and verify my account information. There's a hyperlink which

takes me to a page that looks offical with the same color logo.

However, it requests passwords, backup passwords, credit card number

and expiration date, ATM password, etc.


I smell a rat! So I went into Ebay and bid on an item. It worked

perfectly...therefore my account does not appear to be restricted.


Did anyone else receive a similar e-mail?

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"Did anyone else receive a similar e-mail?"


There's a lot of that going around. I've gotten several of those.


It's not that difficult to create an imposter site and harvest information to be used for identity theft. If an email asks for anything, report it and delete it.


There is NO need for any legit company to require that info for any sort of check or verification. If through some IT disaster they happen to lose their database tables, for example, they'll ask you to register again the usual way.

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May I suggest that it is appropriate and in everyone's best interest for you to contact

a law enforcement authority when something like this happens (in the US I believe it

would be the FBI). And I would guess they would want you to not delete the email

before you forward it to them.


Just a thought.

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Just always remember that NO legitimate site will ever ask you for your password. If the administrator has to get into part of the site for some type of maintenance and can't do it because they need access, they can always assign a new password and then have you change it once they are through with whatever they are doing.
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JP, for a while I was getting a lot of that crap. Some of them have asked for all account numbers, passwords, ..., you name it, everything but my passport number. Identity theft 101, I gather. Forward the e-mail to spoof@ebay.com


eBay and PayPal make the point that they never ask any customer to send account/financial information by e-mail. At most, they'll ask the customer to log on to their site and update something there.


Since there's a risk that a crook sending bogus e-mail will include a bogus link in it, if you ever get e-mail asking for account information that includes a link, don't click on it. If you feel you must respond, get into your browser and go to the site from there.


Cheers, sympathy,



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This is called spam; and is not from Ebay; thus your title is wrong. WE receive about one of these each day. Just delete them; along with the get rich; viagra; bigger boobs; Nigerian princes with bank accounts that have millions to give away; and other crap. If you check the actual source; these are not actually from Ebay; or Paypal. The con artists make a bogus webpage/link/email; in order to con you into your credit card info. Imagine a total stranger calling up your house; and requesting all your credit card numbers; passwords; keys to your house; and your cash. Learn to hangup and ignore BS; this is the junkmail of the internet; a real clogger of the system. We have used Ebay for about 5 years; with no problems; and Paypal for about 3 with no problems. The scammers pray on you believing that the bogus emails are real; they are total BS crap; a con. Scamming of the public is as old as man; learn to identify cons and ignore them.
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This isn't spam, it's attempted fraud. If you use your e mail address as your user ID on e bay then you've probably gotten more than one of these messages. E bay sent a notice out a while back urging, or maybe requiring, everyone who used their e mail address as their user ID to change to something else in order to minimize this kind of thing. The give-away is often the e mail address of the criminals who send these things out. They purport to be from e bay but the ones I used to get had a yahoo or hotmail return address so it's fairly obvious that something funny is going on.
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Ebay wants to get you to change your user name from an email address to just a name to lock in their profits; and make "non-Ebay" sales abit harder to do. Our Ebay name at my company is an email address; and we do get some "NON-Ebay" transaction volume. Ebay wants to stop these "non-ebay" transactions; and force all to use screen names by January 2004. We sell some items each month via "non ebay" transactions; with people that are not on Ebay yet. When one spends many hundreds of dollars monthly on Ebay fees; an extra sale or two helps us pay our Ebay bill. The Ebay fees have risen; and they want a piece of every contact made thru ebay. Ebay has gotten to be alot more hassle in the last few years; it takes us 3 times as long to relist auctions than several years ago. This is for the same auction item. With the added Ebay hassles; we are starting to list items on other sites.
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Yes, I got one just like it, along with hundreds (or thousands) of others. It's a scam. It sounds like you were alert enough NOT to give the guy any of your personal information... I hope so, because anyone who does is about to become a victim of identity theft.
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I received one on 9/4/03. One of the correct eBay addresses was used as a URL; however, it was cleverly displayed using graphics and actually would connect to a different site. I'm glad I checked the source code for the email message. I forwarded the message to spoof(at)eBay.com as they request and received a quick thank you.
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We sell enough on Ebay to have a personal contact person and phone number. Ebay constantly trys to surf these crafty cons; and tries to shut them down. We drag the bogus emails for Ebay and Paypal to a folder. They many times are shut down after a week or so; but they mutate/morph into another scam. After one has a folder of a hundreds of these; one really gets a dim view of these cons. We got 2 scams today; and it is Sunday.
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I actually went to the link and filled in the blanks. However, in place of real data, I used every vile obscenity that I could arrange into a data item that would cast aspersions on these people and their ancestry (including their mother). It was fun trying to think up nasty names, phrases, addresses, etc. to use in the data fields. It made me feel better, anyway. At least they will have to examine the output from their "hit" to see if they harvested anything useful, and I got a small catharsis out it.
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