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Olympus E-1 SLR announced

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Thanks for the link: I realise now that I am a <i>camera measurbator</i>; funny, <i>I</i> always thought of myself as a <i>procrastibator</i> - but I guess I could have been mistaken as I never got around to finding out!


Anyway, I'm a little low on money right now, so if there're any <i>rich amateurs</i> out there who would like to keep me one level below them (important to people on level 2 I should think), this could most reliably be achieved by donating to me the much anticipated Olympus E-1 camera + its new digital Zuiko lenses. Just contact me by email, I'll send you my postal address. It looks like a really nice camera and all, but just a fraction beyond my financial limits right now...




Please note: I am not in any way putting down Olympus or Olympus users. I have had experience with the OM system and I loved it (still do) - I'm sure that the <i>quality</i> of the E-1 system will be high, but will it ever be <i>affordable</i>?

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Trust Olympus to turn its back on all the people that bought into its excellent OM system cameras and lenses over the years. I was kind of hoping that Olympus would have come up with something similar to the Canon 10D that could use existing Zuiko and other OM fit lenses. But, as others have stated above, Olympus as a company has lost its way more than a little; the final RRP of the OM4ti cameras was totally ridiculous, more than 4 times the price of the original OM4. How on earth do companies justify price rises like that? Olympus could have been selling versions of the OM series to this day, if they had priced them sensibly. I would like to buy a digital SLR with a sensor that gives the equivalent of a 35mm image, or as near to that as possible. After all 35mm is not what you would call a large image size. Making a smaller sensor that is different from everybody elses, with a new range of lenses to go with the new format is a high risk stragegy. I've already sold some of my OM gear off, looks like I need to think about selling the rest of it off in the future, so that I can buy into a camera system where I can have film and digital bodies that use the same lenses.
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> Olympus has lost its way...


Last I heard, Olympus and Canon were the only two companies making

money by selling cameras. The dpreview.com review says E-1 price

*with* lens will be under 300K Yen, which at current exchange rates

is $2551.


> E-1 sensor much larger than E-20


Specs on imaging-resource.com show pixel count to be identical,

although the sensor is supposedly new and I don't believe Kodak was

involved in the E-10/E-20.

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I won't make a comment on the price of the new E-1 + lenses, as others have already done that! Instead, I would make the comment that, as far as using <i>"existing Zuiko and other OM fit lenses,"</i> it should be possible with the E-1. Because of the smaller sensor size and compact design of the camera and lenses, I would predict that the lens registration distance for the 4/3 system will be smaller than for <a href=http://www.a1.nl/phomepag/markerink/mounts.htm><b>Olympus OM</b></a>. If this is the case, it would be easy for Olympus (or some other company) to supply an adapter to fit the OM lenses onto the 4/3 camera(s).


So, I wouldn't worry about selling all those nice Zuiko OM lenses just yet, you may be able to salvage them after all (that is, if you can afford to buy the E-1 or its successor?!).

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well .. let's see.. compared to the D1x or EOS-1d the price is quite reasonable. It seems to be a working pro caliber body. Also, there are a couple of features that are really interesting.. ultrasonic dust cleaning and most important of all.. lens-camera communication as it pertains to certain lens imperfections (distortion, vignetting). These are features that make it worthwhile. Having said that, is the $2199 MSRP or street price? If the former, there is still hope. Also, I wonder what the consumer SLR version SLR due next year will look like and what it will cost?
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  • 1 year later...

The response to the introduction of the E1 amazes me, just by the fact that people feel so strongly one way or the other. I wonder how many have actually had a chance to experiment with the E1.


As a pro who's been lucky enough to stock a working studio full of Nikon, Canon, and Contax 35 film gear, and then subsequently into the Nikon and Canon digital offerings(started with a few Nikon D1's, moved into Canon 10D), I can say without a doubt that I've given up both systems. In short, I just think that Nikon and Canon digital offerings are a bit too fragmented in their approach to digital systems. I had a full suite of Nikon and Canon lenses, but because of the digital conversion, the lenses that I used, almost exclusively were the wide angle zooms for both(16-35, 17-35). Alas, my beautiful medium range zooms, 35-70 2.8's were a bit too long for the digital conversion.


I purchased an E1 system last week, and I can say this: This Olympus E1 is for real. The quality of construction is there, the lens system is there, the camera design is there, and most importantly, the image quality is there. I shot collateral artwork for a beach resort today, and the hard-assed art director was very impressed with the color saturation as we looked over the images on her G5. I was pretty suprised myself, but I tried to play it off like it was no big deal.


The E1 is designed and targeted for professionals who understand cameras to be tools, not toys or status symbols. I hope the system is successful and is able to expand. It isn't a question of whether or not it's a good camera, it's excellent. Whether or not it fits into your photographic applications, well, that's the question.

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