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Problems with Nikon FM3a viewfinder


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Hi folks!!!

I was wondering, is there any way to see through the Fm3a viewfinder?

I saw that dk-3 , but I was wondering, the viewfinder is still very close to the


I don't know if I have a big nose or this problem is common to FM3a users


Can someone help me with this? maybe experienced the same problem?

I was thinking about getting another camera just because of this, and the DK-

3 in bh is out of stock, to make things worst... (that's the easiest shop to deliver

to Brazil)


thank you folks!!!!

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The FM3a is a terrific camera, except for one thing: the viewfinder has a very short eyepoint. Even with the naked eye (ie. no eyeglasses), you really have to get your eyeball right in there in order to see everything. It's really a design from the 1960's. An eyecup always helps with viewfinder flare, but, compared to other SLR's I've owned, I found that you really have to press your eye into it in order to see the whole picture in the viewfinder. I loved the FM3a I had in every other way, but after a few weeks of use, I went back to an F80 because of this, despite trying to use it with the a diopter correction lens, and the DK-3 eyecup. Some people may not be bothered by this shortcoming, but I like to see things easily in the viewfinder.
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I�m left eye and wear glasses and find using the FE2 which has a slightly lower eye point than the FM3a no problem. I keep my thumb on the bridge of my nose and under the film advance. To see the full frame I turn the camera a little to the left and my head slightly to the right. I press the camera firmly against my face to quell any hand tremor. This works fine and I never think about it except when someone mentions a problem. I�m so use to this that I do it with camera that do not have a film advance lever such as the F5 and F100. My nose is probably on the large end of normal. It�s at least large enough that when facing the sun I sometimes close one eye and turn my head using my nose to shade the other eye ;)


The first camera in the FM/FE family was the FM released in 1977. The first high eyepoint Nikon was the F3HP released in 1982. The standard eye point has the advantage of giving a larger finder image. The FM3a is a fine camera. I'd buy a couple if I didn't already have FE2(s). The FE2 is the camera the FM3a is based on.


Try adjusting the position of the camera on your face. If you can�t make peace with the finder consider an F100. The F100 accepts all the AI and AIS lenses and has a solid almost all metal construction. You might also consider buying a clean used F3HP. I don't think you will be satisfied with the plastic construction of the F80.


I find the F80 too light for my tasted. The FM2n, FE2 are as light and small an SLR as I�d want to use. The F2 and F3 are about perfect for me in size and weight.


Hope this helps,

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David, the N80 is a much more reasonable weight with the $60 MB-16 battery grip; unfortunately, it doesn't add the portrait controls like the MB-15 (for F100) does - shutter release, mode dials, etc. - but it does free you from purchasing those pricey little lithium boogers.
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Try holdoing the the camera in a vertical orientation so your noze is to the left of the camera and you're lokoing through the viewfinder with your right eye. Then rotate everything back to a horizontal direction.
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