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Got any panning shots with IS lens?

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Not sure exactly what you mean my an interesting effect. <a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo.tcl?photo_id=1661949">Here</a> is a panning shot I took with the 100-400IS at the Brickyard last month. The IS was in mode 2, which is to say that it stabilized in the up and down direction since I was panning right to left. The IS did help with the sharpness in one direction, but I still got a little blurry if I didn't exactly match the cars speed when panning.
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All IS lenses of the second and the third generation have two IS modes. In mode 2 of these lenses' IS, data from one gyrosensor are ignored by the stabilising electronics to allow for successful panning. Software can't distinguish panning from strong horizontal shake and would try to compensate what it perceives as shake, so the image would jump. (Nikon seems to have overcome this problem with their "Vibration Reduction" technology, but I don't think that's a reason to change systems: Nikon doesn't offer a 300mm/f:2.8 VR or a stabilised 60mm yet.)<p>Of course, this allows for panning with very long shutter speeds, so you can get more background blur than before. Assuming you match panning movement and subject movement precisely, as Rich did!
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Panning really works when you have a background to imply motion against. The plane shot, a very nice shot, looks different really. Doesn't looks like panning to me at all.


Also, panning and tripping the shutter when NOT parallel with the subject is a hit or miss really. Sure you can fire away at 10fps in AI SERVO mode, but it's a hit or miss when the car/plan/bike/person is at an angle to your camera.


Of course besides sharpness, the key is to fill the frame and HAVE an interesting background.


I pan with my 70-200mm IS mode 2 all the time and it's quite nice.



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