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Oregon and Mountain Rainier


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I will go to Oregon and Washington in early August. I will stay

around Portland, OR for a few days, and then go to Mt. Rainier. I

want some suggestions about

1. Some good scenic places near to Portland to take photograph;

2. Trails on Mt. Rainier. I am not a professional hiker to climb

the mountains, so I want to choose a trail without critical

requirements but with good view to take pictures.


Thanks in advance,



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For Mt. Rainier you can get the latest trail conditions at:




There are lots of places to get views of the mountain and scenic shots, especially on some of the roads, along stops (eg. Reflection Lake - one of the places the mountain is photographed), and at Sunrise and Paradise visitor areas. And any of the trails offers great nature shots.


There are some excellent guide books and foldout maps on Mt. Rainier's trails, from day hikes to extended backpack trips. Most good bookstores and outdoor recreation stores has a selection, and a complete selection is available from the Paradise visitors center bookstore.


Where you stay will partly determine the places you visit and trails you hike. A drive around the Park (White River in the northeast to Nisqually in the southwest entrances) with stops takes the better part of a day, or you can go to/through the Ohanopacosh entrance. The Carbon River - Mowich Lake entrance is a separate trip.


Good luck.



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Around Portland, drive east out of town on I-84. You will soon enter the Columbia Gorge. This is a beautiful drive abundant with waterfalls. Click on my name then on the waterfall picture you see. That was taken just off I-84 only about 30 min. east of Portland, maybe less. Also you could follow I-84 to Highway 26, this leads up to Mt. Hood, which is also a nice day trip out of Portland.


Mt. Rainier nat. park is beautiful right now, I was just up there this last weekend. As you enter the park ask the park ranger for a map and suggestions on hikes. The whole area is beautiful and you should have very nice weather.

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if you are around Mt Rainier 8/13/2003 be sure to be at the Paradise parking lot just after sunset for front row seats to the Perseid Meteor Shower.. Just bring a sleeping bag and watch the free show.. After the moon rises just take a nap in your car till just before sunrise and you be right there when the first rays light the Mountain and the wild flowers should just be peaking.
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You might try a search, which would find the following, among others:





Since you will visit high country at Mt. Rainier, I recommend you see something different in Oregon. Visit the Colubia River Gorge and the Oregon coast. Each of them can be seen in nice, one-day excursions from Portland. Or take as much more time as you like--there is plenty to see at either location, enough to keep you busy for a week, or a month, or more.

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Seconding (maybe thirding or fourthing by now) the recommendation to start at Paradise. Also, a little further down the road there are some very nice trails (and much flatter) into the old growth forest. Beautiful in there, but definitely tripod country - I remember a few mid-day exposures in the 15-30 second range...
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