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Arca-Swiss 6x9 FC -- DIY repair?!


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Hopefully this is being read by someone as knowledgeable (or as brave)

as to advice on how to take a screwdriver to an Arca-Swiss :)


Mine is an F-Compact 6x9, bought used (allegedly from a pro who had

been using it hard enough). The only problem I have with it is the

rear function carrier (#052001 by the Arca-Swiss pdf catalog), namely

the swing adjustment. Not only it is <U>very</U> stiff (to the point

where it is difficult to feel the zero click-stop, so much force it

takes to turn the standard), but it would only turn some 40 degrees

to the right (clockwise if looked from above) and some 15 degrees to

the left, after which it sort of "binds". The tilt adjustment is fine.


Now I know it may still be more swing than needed, but it feels


stiff compared to the front function carrier (which rotates smoothly

and easily 360 deg. with a softly snapping click-stop) and I wouldn't

like to

force it into wreckage.


On my own, I only went as far as taking the format frame off the


carrier, and the function carrier off the rail, to examine it closer.

I have no idea of how exactly these are built, so didn't unbolt

anything, just looked and compared to a quite similar front function

carrier. Nothing that would

obviously hint to a broken or bent part etc. Hardly a lubrication

problem either (well, I was bold enough to drop a couple drops of

watch oil inside... on that horizontal brass (?) cylinder which can be

seen when the tilt adjustment is maximized). No improvement.


I know the fastest (and perhaps best) advice would be to send it in,

but considering my location (Russia), no Arca representation locally,

and peculiarities of postal service and import/export regulations, I


highly reluctant to go that route, and am willing to DIY as far as

reasonable... which is not very far without proper guidance.


Sorry for a long-winded post. <BR>

It's just in a hope that someone (Emmanuel? Ellis?) says: oh, that's

simple -- you just undo this screw and replace that brass

washer/shim/shaft/whatever :)


I can post close-up pictures of the problem unit so as to facilitate

pointing to "that screw", if it miraculously turns out to be

<I>that</I> simple :}.


Thanks in advance to every- and anyone who replies.

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Thanks Miles, <P>

might indeed be an idea to try!<BR>

Actually, the F-Stop was the first place I went to -- just to check

how much a new unit might have cost. Oh my!... ($696)<BR>

Somehow I never thought of asking them -- assuming that a dealer would

rather try to sell me the thing than advise on how to fix

it, but then how to know -- there are nice people to be found anywhere :)<P>

Will give it a try.

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I wish I had better news for you but that is a repair you should not attempt

yourself. Adjustment positions will be lost and some small parts may need


I would recommend that you contact the ARCA-SWISS factory in France. They

would know the best place to send your function carrier given your location.


Martin Vogt

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Bob Watkins

Precision Camera Works

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Many thanks, Miles, Frank and Bob for your most helpful and timely

responses. <BR>

Some of the links offered were news and of great interest to

me, I appreciate your sharing them.


Bob Watkins' comment is of crucial importance in my situation. <BR>

Last thing I'd want is break the camera with my screwdriver! <BR>

Guess some things were never meant to be tried at home. Thanks for the caution.


Given my location, inquiring in France makes perhaps better sense than

in the US, although Bob's reply and the professional look of the

precisioncameraworks.com website with its air of meticulous attention to

detail makes me want to resort to their service. I will inquire in

France first.


Once again, many thanks for you friendly and timely help, gentlemen! <BR>

(And sorry for this belated reply: I happened to have some computer problems right after posting my inquiry).

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