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Wide Field Ektar Shutter/Filter


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I know, I know! Get in touch with S.K. Grimes. I plan to, but have

the patience of a five-year-old at Christmastime. This weekend I

scored a 10" Wide Field Ektar in Ilex #5. Despite owning the 12"

Commercial in Ilex #4, this one has me baffled.


1) Unlike the 12", for which Steve (r.i.p) made a step-up ring, this

one seems to have no front filter thread at all. I understand it came

equipped for Series IX drop-ins, which I presume involved a 90-degree

threadless surface and a retaining ring. Looking down on this one,

there seems to be a 45-degree lip, which would seem to rule out

dropping anything in. Almost as if the retaining ring is already

attached, but if it is I can't seem to find a way of detaching it.

So, in the words of Seinfeld: Whaaaat's with THAT?


2) When the pointer is set at maximum aperture--6.3--the iris seems

ever so slightly narrower than wide open. Normal or is the scale off?


3) These monster Ilexes seem to have fairly floppy, fluttery blades.

Normal or not?


And yes, I know: Send it to Grimes & Company. I am. I will. But would

also be most grateful for your experiences in this area.


BTW, the glass is superb. Nearly perfect condition. 1948 double-gauss

goodness. Goodness! I'm starting to sound like Dagor77.



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2) The shutter probably opens to oslightly more than f/6.3 and there is likley to be a little lever that acts as a stop to keep it at f/6.3 to provide indication of the proper position (i.e., opening the shutter even wider would serve no purpose since the lens celss are only f/6.3 wide open). So, I would say normal (and hedge by sat=ying, if off, by so little it won't matter).


3) Don't know what you mean by floppy blades. I have a Betax # 5 and the blades are big, yes. And thin - have sometimes seen them not being absolutely flat etc but didn't seme to affet working. As long as there is no little pinhole when you hold it up to the light, you should be fine. The Ilexes and Betaxes are right workhorses.


Cheers, DJ

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I have and use the same lens. Both points #2 & #3 also apply to my lens. At 6.3 the

iris is ever so slightly narrower than wide open and yes, if I pick up the lens and rock

it back and forth one of the shutter blades moves - but the shutter works fine and is

light tight. It was serviced once - needed a new shutter blade, the old one broke off

the 'pin'. I wonder if the lens cells can be mounted in a modern shutter? Otherwise

it's been a great lens with plenty of coverage for 11x14.




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Marshall, I bought a 10" WF Ektar in a mighty No.5 Universal in need of some help. I sent it to SK Grimes and for a very reasonable amount they cla'd it and set it right. It is one of my favorite lenses. As far as filters go, I think the idea is to use a series slip on adapter, but good luck finding one big enough! A Lee snap on holder that takes 4x4 filters is an alternative. You might have to snap it on the rear element to get it to fit though. FWIW, you might find some sort of lens shade useful in fighting flare(I use a hat!) ----------Cheers!
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