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leafscan 45 still OK?

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The biggest difference is size and weight. These are great units in several senses of the word. However, modern flatbeds that equal its quality are huge too.


If you haven't bought it yet, make sure your Leaf doesn't require the hard-to-find GPIB interface to hook up to your PC.

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brian, i am aware of the connection to my pc-problem. not sure if want to go down the pc-connection route. i thougt it might be easier, if i would get an old mac to hook it up to via scsi (not sure about how to get the files over to my pc then?). at the moment i use an agfa duoscan hid - wich is fine for 4x5. but its resolution (1000ppi) is a bilt low for 6x9 i find.

have you used an leafscan yourself?

thanks and regards stefan

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<<Leaf doesn't require the hard-to-find GPIB interface to hook up to your PC>>


There are no non-gpib drivers for PC... GPIB is kind of hard to find, but it's problem mostly is that it is expensive. Drivers can be downloaded from Creo.


There are many places to find an adaptor, running about $400. If you decide to go Leaf, drop $30-50 on an old Mac, load it up with memory and use it that way under SCSI. NOTE: There is no SCSI driver for PC!


In my opinion the leafscan is an exceptionally good peice of machinery, and compaires well to modern film scanners, however, Leaf's long run at one of the best CCD scanners is closing. Still, they can be found pretty cheap, and for the price, I'd say they are a great bargan.


Using a Leaf is different than using a modern scanner. Exposures can be manually set, this is a huge advantage, and you do not get a live preview when adjusting curves.


Once I figure out why my Leafscan 35 crashes every time I try to scan at high bit, it will not even let me open the control to switch bit depth, I'll post some unadulterated pictures!

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Bashir - I find it in teressting to hear your comment on the quality of the agfa duoscan HID. I am very pleased with it´s colors - they are almost allways exactly like the scanned chrome. even the negatives are just right- without hardly any fiddeling. I will not give the agfa away - It´s just that I saw this leafscan 45 for a very good price and thought that it might be a good scanner for 6x6 and 6x9 film.

regards stefan

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"they can be found pretty cheap, and for the price, I'd say they are a great bargain"


anno, that´s what i thougth. specialy compared to the imacon-prices.

btw: yesterday a nice man from imacon phoned me, to ask, if I would like to get a imacon installed and to test it for a week or so! He would bring it, install it, and pick it up after a a week. No wonder they are expensive!


regards stefan

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Ok- I figured out my problem... If you choose to go with a leafscan and a mac, make sure you use System 7.5.3... I would imagine that System 7.6 and system 7.5.5 woulkd work, but will NOT work with System 8, and likely not work with System 9.


These can be found (not easily) at apple.com, free of charge or by purchasing the disk of every single classic OS since System 1.0, it costs $35.00.


If you do not use a vintage OS, it will crash when you try to scan at 16-bit.

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Stefan, $200 for a 45 is VERY, VERY good, they sell used/retail around $1200!


No, the leafscan 45 and the leafscan 35 uses the same software... I cannot imagine that it would work on OS9.


It might however, maybe there was something wrong with OS8, if i didn't have my doubts earlier it could have saved me hours of work...


Maybe these people are scanning in 8bit, or perhaps the issue I had was hardware, though, I don't really see how it could be; but I am no expert when it comes to I/O interfacing. Or, there is the posibility that it was an isolated incident. It's worth a try if you have a G3 laying around...


Still. I'd be a little cautious here, the Leaf and it's software was not developed when the G3 was introduced and a lot has changed betwene System 9 and System 6 and System 7...


Ok, now for a stern lecture. You NEED to get to imagesdigital.com or leafstuff.com ASAP and buy an extra bulb! Your bulb might last years, and by that point it might just not be available anymore... Run, do not walk to one of these sites. imagesdigital.com is less expensive for the 35, I do not know about the 45. It will cost me $75.00USD.


BTW- I am extremely impressed with my output at -1.5 stops, no noticeable noise and remarakbly sharp. Ofcourse, the 20 minute scan times are a bit much... At -2 stops hilights get blown out. I don't know if stopping down the lens will affect noise, I am trying that. but i am trying now. I am guessing the noise will apear again.

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"We have a Leaf45 at work as well as a Imacon. The Leaf is a slow (three pass/RGB) and is a large piece of equipment! You shouldn't have to many problems, we have it hooked up to a G4 but are running 9.1 which is less problematic"


anno - i found this comment from Scott walton.so I thought it would work?

rehgards stefan

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We have a leafscan 45 at our newspaper that was formerly

associated press property. AP tech gave it to my boss several

years ago, with notice that it worked at the time. We don't have

the time nor the computers to hook it up to it's own dedicated

machine...but if anyone's interested in it we are looking to get rid

of it to save space. Best offer takes it, we aren't asking for much.

Probably would have to be pickup as it's heavy, I'm in the chicago


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  • 2 months later...



If this is not too late for you- I have been using a Leafscan 45 for

several years in the UK.


Its by far the best scanner I have seen for the money. I bought a

Minolta Multi Pro, and ended up selling the Minolta and keeping

the Leaf.


I also prefer scans made on the Leaf to those made on the

Imacon. Colour rendition is excellent. Its marginally less sharp

than a drum scanner, and gives marginally less subtle colours

than a drum scanner.


Leaf got the design right (was it 15 years ago?) and you can reap

the benefits if you don't fall for the fallacy that newer is

necessarily better.


Parts can be had from www.leafstuff.com

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everybody,


I'm looking for a good secondhand scanner for 35 and 120/220 and maybe in future 4x5", i can buy one for 1400 euro here in France, isn't to expensif for that kind of scanner, i saw about 1200 euro here above and stefan you get one for 200, send me the link if you don't buy it!;))

The differences with the new NIKON LS9000 that new will be around 3300 euro are they so lower than this leafscan45 in quality to take the risk to buy one secondhand?I speak now about scan of 24x36 and 6x6 that i will immédiatly scan.the nikon scan at 4000dpi!

What do you think about this?

The link for the nikon:


Here a link for the leafscan 45


Tell me i see for the leafscan 45 at 6x6 only 2540dpi?it's lower than the nikon then in quality?Tel me, Thanks for responding.

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  • 3 weeks later...



LaserSoft Imaging (developer of SilverFast) is planning to create a special version of

SilverFast, that would support the LeafScan 45. SilverFast HDR can already open the

48 bit HDR files that the LeafScan 45 can deliver under OS9.


Anyone interested in an OS-X version for the LeafScan 45 can send me an email:




A demo version of SilverFast HDR can be dowloaded here:





Karl-Heinz Zahorsky, LaserSoft Imaging

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