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Fuji 670 adaptor for 35mm film


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Does anyone know of a 35 mm film adaptor that can be used for the

Fuji rangefinders?? I have been dreaming of an xpan II but the price

made me wake up in a cold sweat. I would like to try some pano

photography but on the cheap side if possible. Or maybe someone will

trade me the 670III for an xpan?? Maybe someone can give me an idea

on a cheap pano camera?? I know I could crop the 6x7 negatives but

that is such a pain.

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I don't believe there's any such adapter, but you're better off (as far as film flatness is concerned) shooting the 120/220 film in the 670III and cropping the film. I don't think that a 70mm length of 35mm film laying unsupported over the film gate would stay flat, especially after being rolled up in a 35mm cartridge.



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Tom is correct. There is no Fuji adapter and there is no provision on the bottom of the camera for rewinding film (e.g. Mamiya 6s and 7s). Two other things:


1. The XPAN format is fun, but for most enlargers you have to file out a 35mm carrier to accomodate the format. For example, Bessler only make an XPAN carrier for its 4x5/8x10 enlarger line.


2. I'd rather have the full 6x7 frame and be able to crop to 6x2, 3 or 4 after the fact. And understand that the XPAN and 120 RF cameras that have pano adapters don't have a shift feature for the lens.


When you shoot a pano, you want the camera lens parallel to the ground. So, you can't easily adjust your horizon line without getting distortion. With the Fuji 670, after the fact, you can adjust your horizon line just by cropping.


Bruce Dale is a Panorama God. He does digital panos and uses 28mm or 35mm PC Nikkors to adjust lateral framing. See his tutorial and amazing images here:



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