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Color Film Processing chemicals


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I have a desire to process my own color film and prints as a hobby. I have processed a lot of B&W and will continue the B&W darkroom fun.




I bought a book on color darkroom work but it seems the chemical technology has not changed for 10 years or I have out dated information. C-41, E-6, RA-4, can someone recommend a process for a beginner?????????? The +/- 1/4 deg F seems quite sensitive, are all the color processes that temperature sensitive????? HELP!!!!!!





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I'm surprised no one has answered this yet. The process names you have are perfectly current. They refer to processing different types of materiel. C 41 is for processing colour negs, E 6 for processing most slides (with the major exception of Kodachrome) and RA 4 is for processing prints from negs. There are others, too, such as Ilfochrome (one of the most popular methods for making prints from slides). Although C41, E6 & RA4 were developed (sorry) and named by Eastman, they have become common terms for compatable chemicals from many vendors. Different vendors offer alternative time/temperature relationships as well as the number of chemical steps within each process. In the camera shop near where I work they stock Kodak and Tetenal (distributed in the US by Jobo) versions of these process, and can special order others. I advise you to contact the manufacturers directly & ask for copies of the directions (and Materiel Saftey Data Sheets) for the processes you are most interested in.




Good luck.





ps. Learning colour processing made me a much better B&W tech.

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