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Will Contax G or Leica M systems ever see a digital body

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It seems to me that systems like the Contax G and Leica M systems

would be ripe for digital bodies, excellent lenses, autofocus in the

case of the G system, and somewhat simplified designs due to the

rangefinder systems. Are there any technical reasons why these camera

systems wouldn't see a digital body in their future? I know the rear

lens element can get very close to the film plane, especially on the

wide angle lenses, would this be a problem with the digital chips?

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I think the main problem is that the optical designs are really optimized for film. Digital sensors operate best at when the light hits at normal angle, whereas the rangefinder lenses make use of the very short back focal distance to oblique incidence angles, particularly for wide angle lenses.

In short: you'd get massive vignetting, much more so than with SRL lenses.

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I think we will see such a body at some point. Two years ago full-frame DSLR's were by some considered as too hard to make due to economics and the vignetting issue, but I haven't heard Canon 1Ds or Kodak 14n owners complain about such issues. I believe that engineers can devise a working, full-frame RF camera.
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Leica= probably not


They don't have the money or r&d to do it by themselves. So unless they bring their association with Panasonic to a higher level (the M cameras are the only real moneymaker in Leica's camera lines), it won't happen. And their "prosumer" digital cameras haven't been that amazing. I'm suprised they are attempting something for the R line. It seems like a real waste of time to me.




At one point I thought that a digital "g" camera was a logical next step for Contax. But then their dSLR failed so horribly. The new TVS is getting pretty good reviews, so maybe that will re-energize Contax into looking at the "g" line.


But for both, it would take some new lens designs to make their wide angle lenses work.

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  • 7 months later...

Clearly there's plenty of interest in a digital body that would accept

the excellent and plentiful Leica (and Contax-G) lenses. I see that

Epson and Cosina have just announced a digital Bessa R2 in M mount.

Unfortunately it uses an APS-sized sensor, so you'd need a Voigtlander

12mm or 15mm for serious wide-angle work, and those designs are

notable for vignetting even with 35mm film. But it's a step in the

right direction.


Leica has recanted its old never-never line about a digital M, saying

that new sensor designs can maybe get around the oblique-angle

problem. But I'd expect several years to go by before they bring one

to market. Kyocera/Contax is a more adventurous outfit, so who knows?

But I'm afraid a full-frame Contax digital would be too rich for my

blood. But hey, film still works as well as it ever did, and I like

my G lenses (especially the sweet 21mm) too much to stop using them

just as a matter of principle. In fact I'll probably buy another G2

body and mate the 21mm to it for life.


For more on the digital Bessa, go to http://www.dpreview.com.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 4 years later...
It is interesting to read this thread after 6.5 years :-) Full frame Leica rangefinder is with us now and Contax is no more. G lenses may get a new lease of life on micro four thirds though and there is certainly a possibility of a full frame mirrorless body with EVF in a near future that will accept all kinds of lenses with adapters.
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  • 2 years later...

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