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Flash for EOS 30/7E


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I'm thinking if buying a flash for my EOS 30. I'm not familiar with

flash photography; I seldom use flash.


So, I would like to know if Canon flash should be better, or I

should go for other brand, say Metz?


Would there be compatible issues with those third-party flash?


Any recommended model(s)?

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I don't know about Metz but I got Sigma EF 500 Super. It's pretty much same as Canon 550EX with few "glitches". First it's not build same as Canon but I try to take care of it and not throw it around so that's not really problem. Second it doesn't have custom functions. And third but most important and most annoying. It switches from FP to normal as soon as time on camera goes under X-synch time. So when you want to have FP again you need to turn it on again by pressing button.<br>

Otherwise it works fine on EOS 300 and hopefully I will have chance to see how it works on EOS 3 by end of week (this means if my new EOS 3 will finally come :) I borrowed it to friend who has EOS 33 and he said it was working without any problems there too. So for $170 in USA I would go and buy it again and I wouldn't think about 550EX for twice as much money.

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I have the 550EX on my 30/7e and it performs flawlessly. It can do everything I ask it to and still have more. If you don't use flash much than I'd suggest the 420EX.


If you are not familiar with flash photography, you might want to read <a href="http://photonotes.org/articles/eos-flash/">this</a> .


Happy shooting ,



BTW, no third party flash have AF assist for ant AF points save from the central one.

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The 420EX is the only Canon flash to provide AF assist light to all seven AF points. And as has been pointed out, all third party flash units only light up the centeral AF point.


On an EOS 30/Elan 7e, this can be important, because you don't want to focus and then recompose the picture when using flash. The reason is because EOS 30/Elan 7e will bias the flash exposure heavily towards the active AF point, and after you recompose, it will be in the wrong place for the flash exposure. You can get around this with Flash Exposure Lock (FEC).


Whatever flash you get, make sure it is capable of E-TTL metering and not just TTL. It's not that E-TTL is so great in itself, but with it comes FEC and high speed sync. Those can be very useful.

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