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Is 70-200L compatable with EOS 300V


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Can someone tell me if the Canon 70-200L is compatable with the

Canon EOS 300V. I recently brought this lens second hand and it does

not seem to want to work with my 300V. Every time I try to take a

photo it says the battry is flat, even with new battrys. It focus ok

and the camera works perfectly with my other lens, Thanks.

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The lens is compatible with the 300V. The extra contacts are for the 1.4X and 2X teleconverters.


The most likely cause of the problem is that the contacts are dirty. Clean them thoroughly. Next up would be a sticking diaphragm, which is rare with EF lenses (thanks to EMD - no mechanical linkages). If this were the cause, theoretically there should be no problem when shooting wide open (you don't mention if it's an F4 or F2.8), but it would then lock up at any aperture other than wide-open.


Also clean the battery contacts in the camera, and make sure that the batteries fit snugly (I've had problems with some makes of battery due to the contact design, and the EOS 50/e has a problem where the battery compartment is a little too big and needs a piece of card to push the battery firmly into the contacts).

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I suppose you tried different lenses and they all work absolutely fine? Do you have another EOS body to try the lens with? All Canon EF lenses should work with 300V, it even says that on the box. I have an EOS 300V body myself, but I don't have a 70-200 2.8L to test ;)
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