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fuji 6x9 street photography


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I've used mine from time to time. Metering is the main issue and the time I've been most successful is when it's been overcast or other condition of fairly consistent and even lighting. One can then take a reading with an incident meter and set the camera and shoot away. Best with negative film for reasons of wider latititude. I also found success one day in Beijing doing this and using a flash set for -2 of the aperture setting for fill. Some example can be seen in my gallery at The Fuji Rangefinder Pages here:<p>

<a href="http://fujirangefinder.com/folder.php?id=11">http://fujirangefinder.com/folder.php?id=11</a>

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one suggestion I might offer for street shooting is that you should consider the use of a faster film, such as Ilford Delta 3200. You have a big negative to work with so the grain shouldn't be too bad. the extra depth of field could only help. I normally shoot 120 Delta 3200 rated at 1000 for contrasty conditions and develop in full strength XTOL to keep the development times reasonable. This combination provides an image with very nice tonality.

Take care,


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I've owned both the Fuji GSW and Mamiya 7. Despite similar dimensions, there is a huge improvement with the hand-holdability of the M7 over the Fuji. I would never recommend the Fuji for the street, it just doesn't have the heft or balance to permit fast street action. In addition, the shutter feels disturbingly toy-like, like you are pinging on an autoharp. If you can find a used M7 for a little more money, you are better off. By the way, I can say nothing bad about the optics on either camera.
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Curious, but only yesterday was I thinking of trying the same thing! Curious, as my more bread and butter stuff with the Fuji is with low speed tranny film.


I immediately thought of ultra fast B+W, as the sharpness of the lens and the grain should look good. Sort of like the classic 'Leica with fast film' reportage, only smoother.


Without yet having done it, I can't see too many problems, although the preset exposure seems a must (a la previous posts). Which lens do you have? If it is with a 65mm, then make sure you get in amongst it - the closer the better.

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This post was abandoned a while ago, it seems?



I just got my Fuji GSW690II few days ago, shot some Pan F + at night (my favorite combo: see more night images with Pan F + on my website), obviously on tripod, printed first negs last night? Sharpness and contract is beyond anything I have ever seen? I am just completely blown away by the quality of this lens?

I enlarged the neg as if I was printing 20x24 inch print and printed part of it on 8x10 paper. Showed that to my girlfriend first (she saw a lot of photographs?) - she said it was sharp enough for her. Then I showed her the full frame 8x10 print of the same neg and showed her the area enlarged for the first one she saw? you should have seen amazement on her face?


Anyway, I am really excited to try to use Fuji GSW690 for street photography - I have some Delta 400 and Delta 3200 to play with. Probably will develop Delta 400 in Rodinal 1:50 (I like Rodinal?) and Delta 3200 in Microphen (as per Ilford?s recommendation).


Any advice on techniques to use, how low can I go with shutter speed without visible shake while handholding this beast? I never used rangefinder before - any tips on fast focusing techniques? Also, is it OK, from image quality point of view, to shoot my Fuji GSW690II at it?s widest aperture (f/5.6) - all I read about this camera says it?s very sharp at F/8 or F/11 - what about wide open?


Also, are there more samples of street photography with Fuji rangefinders, apart from the ones mentioned above?



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