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Has anyone got any experience with Agfa Duoscan HiD

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i use a duoscan hid since some years (architectural photography). the colors and the dmax/density are very good / accurate.

here in germany at least, you got a nice software-bundle and an it8target with the scanner. specially the scanner-profiling-software (agfa color-tune) helps a lot - the colors are almost always right at the preview.

You can get more detail out of almost black areas of the chromes, than you can see with your eyes.

The negative side: it´s 1000 ppi are fine for scanning 4x5inch (=100MB/16bit) - but for medium format it´s a bit small. if i use it at 2000ppi the files look the same, as when you interpolate the file in photoshop (so there seems to be nor real gain in detail).

regards stefan

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