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Most People don't know why they use LEICA. Except some Pros.


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Why do I shoot Leica? Has nothing to do with Bokeh *yawn*, sharpness *groan*, shadow, b&W or anything else even remotly associated with any technical measurements.


I shoot them because they are small, VERY quiet, and last forever. All the stuff about "image quality" is completely subjective.


I know... MTF chart fans will disagree... but who really cares if you get "such and such" lines per inch resolution unless you're taking photos of razor blades standing on end?

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Got my wife to buy me an R6.2 for my wedding instead of a ring because I

would wear it around my neck instead of on my finger. A better reminder that I

was married! That was 7 years ago. (the use of R? for me its 100f2.8 apo and



Use M6/ system for numerous reasons. Didn't know "why "I needed M until I

bought them! Perhaps that is the only way to know the real value of an M -

own them first.


Anyway, I sold the M to go digital a couple of years ago, and regreting

everyday. Now I am saving money to buy an MP and a new set of lens.

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Yeah Chuck,


You didn't just get looped into thinking that there's actually a big difference between German and Japanese glass-- do you actually think you don't need fill flash if you use Leica!? Wow! I can see Vivitar shaking in its boots right now. They better pull an Hermes and snap up all that good Leica glass right now, or else they're DONE! You're right, it's just BRILLIANT that Leicas have only 1/50th flash.

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After reading all the responses I have some nice words to say.

After I saw the first Leica slides side by side with some Nikon

slides of the same subject I was shocked by the superb colours

in the Leica slide. Since then I committed myself to shoot with

Leica. When I started doing my own comparison tests I was

disappointed when noting that sharpness was about the same

with the 50mm. Lenses. Leica summicron f2 vs. Nikkor 50 1.8

AF. After a while I learned that the 50 mm lenses of almost all

brands are so good that sharpness is not an issue. After I took a

trip to Scotland and got my slides back from the lab. I was

surprised again to clearly see the difference when a shot was

taken with the Leica and those taken with the Nikon. The colour

was so rich, vibrant and vivid that from that very moment I

decided to dump all of my Nikon gear. I don't care if many think

their Nikon and Canon gear is the same in quality as the Leica

glass, it is not. Especially in those subtle differences in

shadows and colour rendition. As I publish my work this is very

important to me, it helps me sell more. Of course the art

involved is the most important part of the image, but the added

quality that Leica glass gives me is very helpful for my sales.

Keep on your own thinking if you see a difference, if others can't

see it, that is not our problem, it's theirs. Keep on shooting with

Leica glass!

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Ok, this is post is really annoying to me. Not because of the camera troll, but because of the car troll. Cops don't look for BMWs and Mercedes. Believe it or not, when I had a Volvo 760 turbo, the cops would stop my wife just about every single day. It seems that in the Toronto area at the time, the Volvos were the drug runners car of choice (God knows why). On the other hand, most Mercedes and BMWs are driven by "respectable" business or professional folk who are middle aged or older. Those people don't tend to deal in drugs or speed.<p>It is nice to be able to drive in a Mercedes to work every day. I don't own a Leica, but I'm putting my pennies away to get another Mercedes. Until then, I stick with Nikon gear. Pathetic, I know, but it works well enough for my limited talents.
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I am thinking of buying a used M6 and used 50mm Summicron lens. I am at a crossroads about going completely DSLR digital in getting either a D100 Nikon or going manual and slowing things down a bit and trying the m6. I love digital but also love film. I just worry about film disappearing and havingmy money invested go down the drain if all of a sudden the digital era beomces the only era. I like digital, as I sometimes think film and processing can be so expensive on my blue-collar budget. I also love film as there are so many film types and film is being improved all the time. I also like the small size of the Leica and a bright screen as I am an older woman who would rather have lighter gear anyway. What do you guys think?
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