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Film Recommendation

leo indrawan

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This week, i want to take some photo's on MotorShow, I guess the

lighting condition will be poor. I want to use ASA 800 or 1600, which

film (brand & tipe) that bring a good color and sharpness. Should i I

take ASA 400 with push prosses : 1 or 2 stops.

I prefer use negative considering the cost, my current gear are F80,

50mm f:1.8 D, 24-85AFS, and a SB26.


any advice are welcome...thanks

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You may want to give Fuji NPZ a try. I've had good results with this film in mixed lighting conditions. I've also had good results rating it at an EI of 1600 and having it processed normally.


Fuji also makes an ISO 1600 color print film, I've not used it nor can I remember what it is called.


I hope this helps.



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FujiPress 800 or the amatuer version Fuji X-Tra 800. It's a great film, great looking up to 8x10, bright saturated colors. You might find yourself using it all the time.


I always have a few rolls on hand for difficult lighting. I stopped using standard 400 speed color negative film. No advantage in sharpness over Fuji 800. Very little grain, people will be hard pressed to tell that it's a high speed film.


If you need an extra stop push this film to 1600. The Fuji 1600 while improved is just not there in terms of grain and colors. Oh and did I mention it's cheap. I pay about $4.00 a roll for 36 at my local camera shop.


I can't say enough positive things about this film I have been using it often (I photograph a lot of live music) since 1998 it's just been getting better. People always comment on how crisp the colors are espec. the reds.


For portrait work it's a little too contrasty Portra 400 or NPZ are better for people, but at a car show with all those colors! I think it would be in it's element.



hope this helps


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