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my favourite Leica photographer

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My wife has just given me, wonderful intuitive woman that she is, a

copy of a book of the photographs of James Ravilious, called An

English Eye. It is full of photographs taken on a Leica M3 mainly in

North Devon, UK. The photographs are wonderful and in my view the

nicest collection of photographs of rural life that I have seen

anywhere. In fact this is the best collection of photographs I have

seen since I purchased many years ago a Bill Brant portfolio.

Unfortunately Ravilious is no longer with us but this book is a

superb testimonial to his art. I do recommend it, especially to our

cousins across the other side of the big pond. I have no connection

with the author or publisher and would be interested in comments from

you good people who have seen the work of James Ravilious.

Stuart, from Cornwall

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Hmmm. Leica forum. Leica content. Apparently appropiate and helpful post. Thank you, Stewart.


The posts that follow are typical of chat rooms, though. They just fit in with an ego-poor personality, one that usually hides behind the relative anonimity of the internet (or voting booth, etc.) to cast aspersions upon others. A variant of bully behavior, short man syndrome, and other personality disorders that have at their base insecurity and feelings of impotence that the bearer is too weak to be aware of. I tried for a long time to generate compassion for them (personality disorders are medical illnesses too, maybe they are not able to afford Leica equipment, maybe they can not appreciate differences in visual data, etc.), but they are just SO tiresome.

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Yes, Bobby, you're quite right, we're all a bunch of short, disordered, personalities just bursting with deficiencies.


Just out of curiosity, how's the weather up there on Mount Olympus these days?

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Or maybe Summars, Elmars and Hektors:


"I do like what I have seen of the results from Summars in one or two books and exhibitions , especially 'An English Eye' by James Ravilious who used uncoated Summar and Elmar and Hektor lenses and light yellow filter and home modified Leica hood to cut out flare with into the sun shots.


-- Trevor Hare , June 12, 2002; 07:39 P.M. Eastern "


The Leica Gallery in New York is showing the "An English Eye" exhibition later this month according to their website.

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Peter, you've got to stop being nice to me. 10/10 and now a weather report! I'm going out of my head with all this kindness. Horrible old people like me can't cope with it...


(Runs off screaming with his hands over his ears.)

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