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Can't centre prints in Photoshop

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I know this seems like a trivial question but...


I bought a MC G4 and Photoshop 6. I rarely print the full size of

the page and often print square so centring the image is important.

I do this by either centering the image in "page setup" or "print



I run two Epson 1290 printers and prints have been centred correctly

until about 2weeks ago when despite following the above procedures

prints will not centre on the page.


Problem occurs with both printers and whether I use A4 or A3 paper,

prints are off centre enough to be visible and annoying.


What do I do?





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I don't have a Mac, I don't have the same Epson printer as you - I have a 950 - and I use Photoshop 7, but I did have the same problem.

</p> <p>

In my case I solved it by doing the following - I'm assuming that you can make the same adjustment. Bring up the printer properties. There's a tab marked 'paper'. Select the 'No Margins' box. I got a warning message about print quality at the edge of the page, if you get the same just click 'ok' to ignore the message.

</p> <p>

After that my prints were centered.</p>

<p>Hope this helps </p>

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You can solve this problem by adding 0.2 inche to the top or to the left depending on whether the print is in landscape or potrait modes.

For example, if the print is in portait mode, deselect the image center box and add 0.2 inche to the top margin (if the original top margin value is 1.005 inches, then enter 1.205 inches). If the print is in landscape mode, then add 0.2 inche to the left margin value.

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I think the Mac uses roughly the same directions as the Windows version. With Windows, Go to Print. Click on Properties. On the Page index check the Centered box and select the correct size paper. Also, on the Main index, check the Preview box. Enjoy.


Steve Bingham www.dustylens.com

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Thanks for all the quick answers. I think Yoyo has hit on the issue because the centering is off by the amount suggested in the Computer Darkroom.


Given that I am using Photoshop 6 (i.e. in classic) unsure why it applies.


Still I think it is pretty poor that "centering an image" does do exactly that!



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The replies here don't seem to relate to the problem you are having, rather

are workarounds. Seeing as how centering worked properly for you before,

as it always has for me, I still think it's a preference issue or software issue.


Not to start a flamewar, but Windows users are not helping by trying to give

advice to Mac users. There are no "properties" in Mac software.

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