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Can Canon ZoomBrowser see networked drives?

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Anyone know if Canon Zoombroswer can see networked drives? I'm

running it on an XP machine and all the drives physically connected

to the machine show up in the menu, but none of the networked drives

do. I don't see any options or switches for enabling network drive

support, but maybe I'm missing something?


Seems a bit odd as every other program sees them just fine and I'd

assume all windows programs use the same built in windows procedures

for this sort of thing.


I know some people think ZoomBrowser is $@#%, but in fact I find it

quite usable and quite convenient for some things. I'm aware of the

alternatives like BreezeBrowser etc.

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I'm running xp pro and can't get zoombrowser to recognize any of the drives on the 2 other computers on my network. For this reason alone I reluctantly invested in Breezebrowser, which I subsequently found to be far superior in every way to the Canon software. I'll be interested to know if anyone has succeeded in networking Zoombrowser.
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POSSIBLE WORKAROUND - NOT MINE so I cannot vouch for it, but found it out there...


Applies to Zoombrowser version (English) and may not work on any other versions.


Modify the file ZbLocalVolumeDevice.dll which will probably be in C:\Program Files\Canon\ZoomBrowser EX\Program using a hex editor.


At offset 0xB2E4 into the file you'll find


E9 86 FE FF FF


which needs to be changed to


E9 FB 00 00 00


Now your network drives will show up (with a CDRom icon...).


Don't forget to keep a backup of the original version of the file in case it all goes horribly wrong!


Good luck!!!

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Playing around with things I found that you can drag and drop files and directories from networked drives displayed in Windows Explorer into the Zoombrowser window, but the transfer seemed pretty slow. Could just have been the network speed I guess.


I couldn't find any way to get networked drives to show up in the ZoomBrowser directory tree though. I also found a Canon website that said this is the way Zoombrowser 4.0 is supposed to work, i.e. it cannot access networked drives, so I'm not missing the secret password. They just crippled that function for some reason.

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I went through this problem also and still curse Canon for it. My local storage / data drive for my windows box RAID 5 samba share. The Canon "File Viewer" utility provides for my crw conversion needs currently and it does see network drives. Unfortunately I've yet to set up a work flow that I can run from a command line like I had for my d30 (Yarc did both jpeg extraction and crw->tiff conversion and I had a perl script that I used to read exif data).
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<p>sorry, had to comment on this old thread's WRONG INFO:<br>

below is TOTALLY wrong - SUBST was meant to work for network and other drives.<br>

just do subst h: y:\ (where the 2nd drive letter MUST have a backslash) and it works great!</p>


<p>[here is the wrong info that was given]<br>

"SUBST specifically cannot be used for network drives.<br>

It says so here: <a href="http://www.computerhope.com/substhlp.htm#04" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.computerhope.com/substhlp.htm#04</a><br>

And, when I tried it, I got this error message: Cannot SUBST a network drive</p>


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