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6X7 Enlarger&lens. for Black and White

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I use a Saunders/LPL 4500 II Dichroic with an El-Nikkor 105mm/f5.6. I have found absolutely no limitations for me with this setup, for both b&w and color up to 11x14 (I plan on trying 16x20 soon). It also works great for 35mm with a 50mm lens. It's probably more enlarger than you really need for 6x7, but for only the cost of a negative carrier you can also do 6x9, and for the cost of a negative carrier and lens you can try 4x5 too.
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If you are printing on multigrade paper, there are two choices I would recommend: the Durst Pictograph (or now Multigraph) (there was a review of this in Photo Techniques or whatever it is called these days some time ago) and the De Vere 504. In terms of lenses, the schneider componon-S 80mm will cover 6x7.
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If Pascal is in Europe, Durst and Kaiser M.F. enlarger models are more

widely available than Omega and DeVere, and are universally

recommended as quality brands. If you're on a budget, the Meopta

models are sturdy but a little lacking in finesse, or look for a used

Durst M805 - a lovely machine which will handle up to 6x9.


The German magazine Color Foto published a test of current medium

format enlargers last year, so if you can find a library with back

issues you might want to track it down.

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  • 2 months later...
i use a rodenstock,rodagon 80mm,f4 enlarging lens on a,de vere 203.this lens is excellent at all apertures,contrast and sharpness are probably the best for the money (£240,british money) one concern that many believe is that it only has enough coverage for a 6/6 format,this is not true,and works perfectly with a 6/7. good luck. sean anderson 22/8/2000
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