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Crop? Don't be ridiculous! What is a cowboy without a gigantic belt buckle?


While I say this a bit tongue in cheek, I do honestly think that that cropping out the belt and buckle would turn the remaining shirt into wasted space. For me, the belt holds the composition together.

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Hi Robert


I agree with Brian, the Belt buckle adds to the photo. It gives it a nice starting point, and besides it adds to the story. Many of the Rodeo riders I've seen have large buckles, often prizes they have won. In a way it's part of an image


Just a thought



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IMO, the interesting aspect of this image is its illustration of the man -- not as a rodeo cowboy with a big belt buckle, but a man who's seen it all, heard it all... the fact that it's at a rodeo is, IMO, secondary... what's foremost is the years of a hard life etched into the deep hard lines on his face and his hand, with the cigarette smoke as counterpoint...


This is a man used to physical labor, NOT a cushy desk job. And that's what makes this photo interesting to me; thus, the tighter crop to "zoom in" to that profile.

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I agree with Peter Apos...

This cowboy rolls his own. His own what? I'm not sure, but I ain't gonna say it to his face. I know a tight crop is the right thing to do "most" of the time. But, it is the right thing to do "all" the time? NO! Keep the color. Keep the belt buckle. Keep it all. I wanna try to see what's on this mans mind. He's fixin to ..... well, I'm not sure, but he's gonna. So step back.

That's what I see in full version unedited. Cropped version says, "yep, I roll my own." and that's it. Not as interesting was it? You boys follerin me on this?

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Had the framing been looser, maybe I'd say yeah, full frame. But with the belt buckle splitting the bottom edge and the blown out loss of separation at hat crown, I'm staying with the crop. It takes my eyes right to his eyes, and that's where the connection is. <p>The originally posted image has edges with bright elements that keep taking me off the page, away from his face. And that belt buckle aint that special, especially compared to what's goin on under the hat. That's my story, and I'm stickin to it... t
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Chop off the bottom at the elbow, but leave in the rest including the the color and the nicely soft background which provides needed contrast for the detail and darkness of the main subject. The tight crop in bw is muddy and uninteresing. The talk about the importance of the buckle is an idea for a picture, but doesn't add up to one in this instance.
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