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blacksburg, VA wildlife/nature photography


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I will be spending a few days in Blacksburg, VA next week and am

looking for good wildlife (bird) or landscape photography

opportunities nearby.


Concering wildlife photography, I am looking for relatively well-

mapped areas where I have a high probability of making successful

photographs (given my short stay, I will not have time to "learn" an

area in detail).

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Well, nothing is all that well mapped around here! For scenic places with sweeping views, your best bet is probably the Blue Ridge Parkway, about 25 miles from B'burg. There are loads of books and websites about that. Also, Giles County, just west of here, has some neat spots -- the road up to <a href=http://www.mtnlakehotel.com/>Mountain Lake Resort</a>, <a href=http://www.thebackpacker.com/trails/va/trail_185.php>The Cascades</a>, etc. Close to town, the Ellet/Catawba valleys are lovely. Don't forget <a href=http://www.dcr.state.va.us/parks/claytor.htm>Claytor Lake</a>, and the <a href=http://www.dcr.state.va.us/parks/newriver.htm>New River</a>. There are plenty of other nice spots nearby too -- you might check out <a href=http://www.mountainsofmisery.com/2003/pictures.htm> some photos</a> from one of our local bike club's recent rides.


<p>As far as wildlife goes, it's everywhere and nowhere. I'm not sure how to guarantee sightings. I think the key would be to hook up with local birders, etc. Try contacting the folks at <a href=http://www.for-the-birds.com>For the Birds</a>, a gift shop catering to birders.

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