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strange thing: converting a chrome lens to black paint ?

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Hi people


I own a chrome Jupiter-3 that seems to work fine with my M6. but the

M6 is black, and the Jupiter is really flashy when mounted on the M,

I really don't like how it looks and how it makes people look at it

(for me, Leica M must be a synonym of discretion). So I would be

interested by converting this lens to black paint. I'm almost sure

the lens is made of brass.

do you believe I could do it ?

do I need to disassemble the lens, remove the chrome plating and

paint the lens or can I do it without disassembling the lens

elements ?

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I blacked up an old Pentacon FM SLR by dismounting all the chrome parts, putting them in an electrolytic bath to strip the chrome then spraying it with car paint. It didn't look that good when it was finished and I had a lot of trouble whiting up the engraving. God alone knows how you'd manage the tiny engraving on a lens.


Besides which, Russian lenses are so cheap. My black Jupiter 8 cost me £14 (and turned out to be reasonably good).

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Hi Harvey


I have a black Jupiter-8 too, but I don't like the fact that the aperture ring turns with the MAP ring, and it opens "only" at f:2 whereas the Jupiter-3 opens at f:1.5 with an aperture ring independant of the MAP ring. And my Jupiter-3 is much better synchronized with my M6's rangefinder than the Jupiter-8 (don't know why).

A black Jupiter-3 is rare and relativly expensive, si I'd prefer to convert my chrome lens to black paint.

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Are you sure that your own self-awareness of your mismatched outfit with a cheap (but excellent) Russian lens isn't what causes people to notice you. When you're actually pointing the thing at somebody about the only thing they can see of the lens is the glass anyway. Back when Leitz made mostly chrome lenses with removeable hoods the outside of the hoods never came in matching chrome, the straps were always black, the cases were brown! How can a self respecting photographer put a black vulcanite covered camera in a brown case? Go take some pictures and stop worrying
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"A nice mauve or subdued peach may go well with the black body. Acccessorizing with a matching strap also might work. ;>) (just kidding, Laurent) "


uh, you're kidding ? I tought It would be a great idea... lol :)


Al: don't worry I make pictures anyway :) but I believe you're right ans wise, as the old jedi Yoda :) I believe I'd better take my M with its chrome lens (after all, SLR are often chrome with black lens... why could'nt I use the "negative" of this configuration ? :) ) and shoot without having such existential questions...


thanks all :)

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i have recently decided to change the color of my camera also. There is a site where a guy has repainted his russian screw mount stuff. I have the bookmark at home. I believe Fargo or micro tools has a lacquer stick made to fill in the lettering on cameras that comes in 9 colors.( maybe mauve, too). Anyway the site says he stripped the cameras down and repainted using an airbrush.


i'll contact you tonite with the site.



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The Jupiter-3 was made in black; in the alot of the 1970's and 1980's models. Whether you actually get one that focuses correctly depends on luck. The older 1950's and 1960's versions of Russian lenses have been better lenses; in the small samples I have used. The 1980's Jupiter-8 50mm F2 was also made in black <BR><BR><IMG SRC=http://www.ezshots.com/members/tripods/images/tripods-141.jpg>
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Laurent, I'm glad you have a good sense of humor! If you really want a camera people will notice and comment about check outwww.cameraleather.com. In addition to a variety of textures in plain black pre-cut replacements for your M6 you can get genuine snake and lizard skin in some unbelievable colors! I recovered one of my bodies in black, very easy and looks great.


Check out their website. I guarantee you that with one of those bright colored snake or lizard skin coverings nobody will notice what lens you're using. If you want an oddball 90mm black paint lens get an old 90mm f/1.8 Angenieux. Makes the Summmicron Aspheric seem cheap.

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'just wanted to show you how my M looks with both the jupiter 3 and the 8.


<center><img src="http://www.telemetre.org.free.fr/dl/M6_jupiter3_1.jpg"></center>


that's the Jupiter-3


<center><img src="http://www.telemetre.org.free.fr/dl/M6_jupiter8_1.jpg"></center><br>and here is the Jupiter-8


I like the look of the 8 very much but the 3 is better, so... lets mount the 3 and let's shoot...


Al, I think I will paint my M6 in purple with a turcoise snake covering. that would be wounderful. :) lol

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It's only a thought, but maybe a premium spray paint with really good adhesion properties could just be sprayed right over the chrome without stripping. I'm not sure which brand might be best, but the idea of using epoxy paint comes to mind, along with a brand name of xynolite, or zynolite, or something like that. Maybe just a very light film of paint sprayed from a distance would kill the chrome shine without loading the lens with too much paint.


Risky, though.

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"Laurent -- you should also put black tape on the Leica logos on the M6. And why do the M6 pictures look so fuzzy?"


the pictures are poor because I took them with a cheap digital cam, just to show the my M looks.


for the black tape on the leica logos, why not... I don't own a Leica because it's a Leica, but because it's a great camera :)

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