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Fuji Neopan 1600 - first results

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Nice shots all of them. Personally I only tried it once, and I did get a few keepers (from a Mexican/Dutch wedding) that are being printed at Chrome in G'town as we're speaking.


Chris, are you going to the Feria De Sevilla on Sunday (if I remeber correctly)?



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Yes, I tried it, exposing it at 1250, in artificial light, had it developed by a commercial lab [don't know which developer they are using]. Quite sharp for such a high speed film, grain still OK, and giving good contrast and tonality. As an alternative, I also tried Ilford Delta 3200, exposed at 1600, in similar light, developed by the same commercial lab, but was much less happy with the results: much softer, coarser grain, much too flat contrast [i guess this commercial lab is not performing the optimal development for this film]. So I'll stick with Neopan 1600 for now, at least as long I don't do my own development.
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This has been said a million times here, but at the risk of being very again boring i'll chime in. Do your own film developing. 99 times out of 100 you'll do it *much* better than a lab, especially with a film that they probably don't see very often like neopan1600. You need very little equipment and once the film is in the tank you can do it anywhere at room temperature (usually).

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