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Canon D60 vs D10

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I have owned a Canon D60 for 6 months and love it. I was disapointed

when the 10D came out so quick after I purchased the D60. Is there

much difference between the D60 and D10? Should I switch to the D10?

Was there problems with the D60 so Canon brought out the D10?


David Hendershot

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I also switched from the D60 to the 10D. Several very noticable improvements are:


Much improved AF especially in low light

More AF points with 7 AF points instead of 3

Improved picture review with 10x viewing (VERY handy!!)

Much lower noise at higher ISO settings

Better colorspace in Adobe RGB


I have not regretted getting the 10D and selling my D60. I considered the $200 upgrade cost well worth it especially since all the extras I bought for the D60 like the vertical grip worked just fine on the 10D.


From what I can tell there were no "problems" with the D60. The 10D was brought out to address some shortcomings in the D60 design. I loved my D60 and took many outstanding pictures with it. The 10D just takes a good thing and makes it better.

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I think I've said this in other posts similar, If you love your D60 keep it, I do not think it's worth getting the 10D if you already have the D60 and like it. I would however, just wait till the next camera to come out to replace the 10D, then change. I think this will be more economical and better to do.
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Personally I would wait a few more months and see what the EOS 3D (or whatever it will be called) comes out (I think the evidence is strong that such a camera is coming in the late 3rd or 4th quarter). The 10D is not enough of a step up from the D60 other than the much improved AF. Sure the EOS 3D will be probably at least $2500, but it will leave the 10D for dead in terms of features and performance. Your D60 gives you great results right now, I'd skip a cycle of the digital merry-go-round. In fact even if you can't afford an EOS 3D, I'd wait for the 10D's successor which will no doubt have major improvements and be probably only around $1000-1200.
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Im in a similar boat to dave however I am converting from analog to digital. I am debating to buy the d60 which is noticablly cheaper then the 10d. Whats the qaulity like between the two? the salesman at fletchers is saying that 10d is better in megapixels then the d60 however the stats on the net are saying that they are the same. He claims that the numbers have been sprused up to make it the same quality. Its a big investment to make for me however I will be saving in the long run like you all due to price and film, and looking after the environment. Is it worth waiting to get the 3d! all these questions. What in comparrison is the d60 or the 10d for that matter compared to scanning 35mm film. my boss uses a 1ds which is almost twice as clear in photoshop then scanned film. I am wondering if the 3d will be as clear? and how far off the 10d and d60 are.


Jim Bnadalow

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For the specific application of HS basketball the improved AF and better handling of noise at high ISO on the 10D make it a significantly better tool than the D60. For many other types of photography the improvements are much less significant.


Jim B-


The salesman you spoke with just plain does not know what he is talking about. Deal with somebody else. As for comparing with scanned film the "clearness" you spoke of compared to film is due to the complete lack of grain in digital capture. Any digital camera even relatively cheap P&S type ones will have this quality. I abandoned color film when I got my D30. There may be reasons to wait for the hoped for 3D but being able to stand up to scanned film is not one of them.

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There is a problem with waiting for new technology to come out. The problem is that there is always the BBD (Bigger Better Deal) on the horizon. If you allow this to paralize you, you will never receive any of the benefits of any of the new technology. Even if you do wait for the mysterious 3D or the successor to the 10D, who's to say the improvements are going to be worth the wait? And once they do come out, how long are you going to have to wait on a waiting list before you get your camera? IMHO it is better to go with what you want now and enjoy it and look at upgrading down the road than it is to wait for the next generation.
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