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Rei have posted some new photos...

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Some photos speaks to you more easily than others, perhaps because

one can relate to them. I've visited Rei Shinozuka's website

numerous times to enjoy what he does with his M6 and Noctilux and I

was happy to see that he posted some new photos there. I certainly

enjoyed the <a href="http://www.shinozuka-

family.com/20020622beach">beach 2002 folder</a>.

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I'm afraid I can't see these as anything more than family snaps. Doing them in black and white with an M6, Hasselblad, or Holga doesn't change anything. IMHO, black and white is often a pretence.


I'm not saying that you can't make impressive photographs which include your own children/family (condiser the work of Sally Mann) but in most cases, the personal attachment clouds the photographers judgement.


BTW, does anyone have any photos that they feel are fine artistic expressions FIRST and pictures of your children SECOND? I have only one or two of my own children that might possibly qualify. Maybe.

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I enjoy Rei's work and his devotion to the traditional craft of photography. I agree that some of Rei's stuff could be classes as snapshot, but there are other examples of excellent technique, both with the camera and in the darkroom later. In short, put up or shut up.
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First, I should say that my prior comments are based solely on the beach portfolio that Patrick mentioned. I've since gone back to look at some of Rei's other work and found quite a few images that I like very much. Among the photos I found more compeling that the beach snaps were some of the (color) digital ones Rei himself scoffs at as being made with a "modern day Holga."




As for putting up or shutting up, well, I have ordered a scanner (Canoscan FS4000) but don't worry, I don't intend to burden anyone on this forum with snaps of my kids (cute as I think they are).

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PS. Tom I do like the photo you posted. It has a timeless quality that is

notably absent from most family snaps which are often hopelessly cluttered

with the debris of commercial society. In your picture it really doesn't matter if

this happens to be your daughter.

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OK, the Beach folder isn't my favorite folder, but it was the one I liked best of the new ones.


Being a father of two very young boys, I can naturally relate to these "family snaps", if that is what anyone would like to refer to them as.


Personally, I think Rei not only has an excellent technique and eye, but he also managed to capture great moments and expressions in his photography - that clearly takes more talent than just making 'snaps'...


I too am guilty to not owning a scanner. As soon as I get my latest M3 order to my house and under control, I'll put in an order for a Scan Dual III. Man, there's going to by baby picture bonanza on this forum! :-)



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Donald, then I should give away my camera gear right away. My days strolling around city streets on far away travel are over. All my spare time is spent with the family, usually w/ a rangefinder placed in a small lowepro belt pack ready to be used.


Thou shall not believe everything The Slacker writes... :-)

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Patrick, I can appreciate that different people live different lives. For me, I have always found photography to be a solitary act -- and really can't take quality pictures while I'm with anyone includes other photographers. I need to be totally focused on what's happening around me in terms of light and action. I can't be talking or watching the kids or stopping to shop or listening to anyone else talk. My wife will tell you that I'm pretty antisocial with a camera in my hands.

Nevertheless, my days of six week assignments in exotic locales like Yemen and Kamchatka are also behind me (as a father of three and 46 year old doctoral student) but I still try to get out and do the "street-walker" thing for a couple of hours after work 2-3 days a week.


I'm now thinking on a smaller scale but I would like to continue to work at the same level of intensity as I did during all out "serious assignments" in the past. My migration from a Nikon pro outfit to first a Bessa R (purchaced second hard in Tokyo) and then a R2 (bought new at my local camera shop in Shikoku) and finally an M6TTL (purchased on eBay) are all part of this transition from "aspiring pro" to "simple obsessed amateur."


I can admire people that set out to provide a serious documentary portfolio of their own family's lives but I think this sort of photography should be judged by the same standards as those we use when examining photos of strangers. If a photo is only compelling because it is your own child, it isn't a good photo.


Anyway, good shooting and I look forward to seeing a least a few shots of your boys!


PS. I'm already trying to get my son, Fletcher (12) interested in RF photography. I've designated as "his" my classic little Olympus XA.

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