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July birding in AZ


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I'll be in Arizona during the second half of July. I have read that

hummers are numerous along the MX border. I would appreciate any

suggestions on where to go for any birding photography

opprotunities/locations while out there. I'm willing to travel

anywhere in the state while I'm there.


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Late July and early August in Southeast AZ can present some outrageous birding (and photo) opportunities. If you are specifically interested in hummers, I would recommend a visit to one of the following locations:


1) Beatty's feeders in Miller Canyon near Sierra Vista (http://personal.riverusers.com/~beattybb/). We observed 11 species of hummingbirds there in 3 hours last July.


2) The Patton's Feeders in Patagonia. The Patton's property is adjacent to the Sonoita Creek Preserve and they are set up year-round with many hummingbird feeders and are very birder/photographer friendly. There is often a cooperative male Vermilion Flycacther hanging around as well.


Ramsey Canyon and Madera Canyon (The Santa Rita Lodge) are two additional possibilites for hummers and other birds at feeders. If the summer monsoon rains have started (which they should have), then there are a number of normally-furtive sparrows that will be perched at the top of shrubs/trees singing on territory. What else; Trogons in sycamores, Lizards in the desert, Spadefoot and Green Toads chorusing in ephemeral ponds, I'm getting carried away...


For general birding spots, you should pick up either Taylor's "A Birder's Guide to Southeastern Arizona", or Davis and Russell's "Finding Birds in Southeast Arizona". Both can purchased from American Birding Association Sales (http://www.americanbirding.org)


Good luck and enjoy...


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