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SB-15 with D100?


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I am new to this forum, this being my first post here.


I have had an FE2 and lenses and flash (SB-15) for the last 19 years

and have just bought a D100.


Does anyone know if it is possible to use the SB-15 Speedlight with

the D100?


Thank you

Howard Albert

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It will work in auto and manual but you didn't spend all that money to have a crippled flash system. <p>

You need either the SB-28DX or preferably the SB-80DX. I believe that, even though the '28DX was redesigned from the '28 to work with the digital bodies, there were problems that the '80DX takes care of. You could also use the '50DX but that would be a poor choice because of poor build quality, low power and the battery it uses.

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I just had to reply...

I have an F3. I need an SB-15 (tho a 16 would be better).

I also have an excellent condition, fairly new, SB-22s. Which unlike an SB-15, won't

do TTL with my F3.


The SB-22s, while no SB-28, is (I believe) "smarter" than an sb-15 and will (I believe)

work fine with a d100. Check me on this, as I'm not a flash guru by any means.


Email me if you wanna try to do some sort of trade; it may be a good exchange for

both us.




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<i>...The SB-22s, while no SB-28, is (I believe) "smarter" than an sb-15 and will (I believe) work fine with a d100.</i><p>

That's what I like. Two people answer (correctly) that a 'DX flash should be used with the D100 and Erik here comes along trying to unload his SB-22 and says he "believes" it will work on the D100 just fine. <p>

Erik, didn't you read what was above what you posted or did you think we don't know what the hell we are talking about?

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um... no. See, this is where you want to bite your tongue before you switch into (for

lack of a far less polite term) type A mode.


I got the sb-22s used as part of a trade. I've never used it, I don't know a damn thing

about Nikon flashes, sb-22 or any other ones, and only recently have discovered that

it's possible to do ttl on my f3 with certain models.


What is "dx"? i don't know. Can you use an sb-22s on a d100 and only lose a few

random functions? Will it break the camera? I don't know, never said I did. And

although you may know the answer, you haven't said it yet.


I got the impression, in case you missed it, that the poster might not want to drop

$200 plus on a new fancy flash, and might want something basic. (Note: those who

are looking to use an old SB-15, one assumes to avoid spending big money, don't

necessarily benefit from "go buy an SB80DX!"). If the SB22s works, even if it's not the

80 that you 'should' buy, the owner could be ineterested in a cheap trade, or so I



And your comment taht a DX flash "should" be used: "you didn't spend all that money

to have a crippled flash system"... how the hell do you know why, or how, others

choose to spend their money? Even you should be able to see the rudeness of that

comment. Perhaps you'd like to send me some money for my "crippled" system...?

The owner wasn't asking SHOULD, he was asking COULD.

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Erik -


FWIW, I lopped off the last para of your last response. Irrespective of any rudeness, etc., I thought I'd jump in and question why you would want an SB-15 for an F3. Maybe you have the expensive adapters already, or maybe you own the (somewhat rare) F3P. In the absence of either of those, the -15 probably isn't a good choice for you, as it's a classic 'hot shoe' flash. The equivalent for your F3 is the SB-17.

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